A little poem
He's beaten with sticks. seven, eight. he fears it's too late.
Don't Kick My Stick! (Sticks and Kicks TF/TG)
"hey, check out this stick." john said pointing to it. "why would i care about a-how that is a good stuck." dell answered looking down on it. "that's the stick of a champion right there." john nodded.
[DolphinSanity] Stick Him In
Check out the prequel series: https://bit.ly/teryxc_story_rainstormfor more of my stories, check out: https://bit.ly/teryxc_stories commission from @@dolphinsanityhttps://www.furaffinity.net/view/33036241/ stick him in tarrex shots: chapter 3 for teryxc
Stick around for a while
I just thought he'd like to know how it feels to fill someone using such a beast of a dick~" they huffed, sticking their ass out toward him and lifting their tail up, a hand reaching back to spread their cheeks.
Friends stick together
If it was legal and your mother would let me, you'd be out on your ass with all your damn glow sticks shoved up so far they're coming out of your coke snorting nose. get out!!!'
Crossing "Sticks" 18+
Aynette stood, ash stick in hand. legs apart, a black robe covering her legs, white sleeves rolled to expose her arms. she only watches micarra, moving little besides the rise and fall of her chest.
Cabin Boy: The Stick
Struggling in Jormungandr's grip Flinty tried to break free, to rekindle the rebellion that had burst out of him like a burning flame! The naga however was much bigger, stronger and had years of experience in grappling people. His coils surged,...
150 Adhesive Sticking Point
Mariel returns bearing the wound glue and a little tray and mixing stick that goes with it.
Some Things Just Stick
'i guess, some things stick with you...' ================================================= k, there it is; tell me what you guys think. comments really encourage me and help me act on the many different ideas i have.
Slave Camp - Carrots and Sticks
Slave camp - carrots and sticks kerra stood still, her arms fastened to the overhead track.
Adding a Stick Up the Butt
Adding a stick up the butt for heru by draconicon stan shook his head as the bear continued to rant about his issues at work, at home, and everywhere else in his life.
Sibirskaia: Sticks & Stones Part 2
sticks & stones your word against his (december 2nd) there they were. again. they were taunting him. he knew they were. what other explanation was there for the way they shoved their filth in his face?