[p] Xenobiology
When Kyshryn set out from the Safiric Nebula, it was with cargo and an important mission. His people, a towering arthropodal race, long and thin with delicate, chitinous exteriors and sensory antennae which perceived the universe as a pageant of...
Pathologizing the Daxy
However, the daxy's xenophilia and pathological altruism is not account for the male's sexual dimorphism. human males have naturally evolved to be the caretaker of the female of the species.
"Eli, is... is there anything I can do to help?" The turtle-crab had raised an eyebrow quizzically at her. "To help with what?" Mano hadn't known how to broach the topic. "Have you ever thought about seeing someone? About everything that happened, I...
Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy CH. 1: Xenophilia
**:** **8** **8** **8** **:** John slowly stirred awake, groggily opening his eyes. His vision was greeted with a bright light that burned his eyes. The feeling was... rude, to say the least. His head felt like it was about to split open. '...
_'I hate this.'_ Afternoon. Skyscrapers concealed what was left of the setting sun's light with hard lines, cold stone and sharp angles. Mano missed the reassuring ocean depths and iron hull wrapped around her like a protective cocoon. The swarming...
How to Repair a Broken Soul
* * * * * * # age 30, year 4 anno xenophilia pax ## mobile construction fleet ### luna orbit * * * * * * `we have trouble recalling memories that far back.` michelle connected a final synthetic muscle and pat her mother's skinless arm so she
Rana could hear the sound of gunfire draw closer to her position. The asari neuro-specialist was not above admitting that she was scared out of her mind. She was just a scientist! She wasn't cut out for explosions and gunfights! Rana began to silently...
Personal Space
Brazil hadn't been an easy place to live for the people who already lived there. It hadn't been going to be easy for them having moved there either. Slavery may have been gone but it had left its marks, as the street urchins roaming the favelas...
A Night at Afterlife; Azen and Desius
Red lights, and pulsing music. An occasional fight, and plenty of dancing. All in all, a fairly normal night in Afterlife on Omega. Saerow Azen twirled slowly on his pole, bending low, and gripping the metal base with one hand, while tilting his whole...
Klein had been a weird kid. He hadn't paid enough attention in class, even though he'd done well enough overall. He'd never cared for team sports. The other kids had made fun of him for being a skunk a lot. His parents hadn't been quite as bad as...
Battle Bot
The bat had pretty much laughed in his face. "Are you sure you're supposed to be here?" With the crowd already cheering for them from around the ring as they sized each other up after the bell had just rang, it seemed a little late to the skunk for...
Knowing: Origin [Trade]
Something strange happened in that odd stretch of time between sundown and the deep of night, when most of the city's inhabitants looked in towards their dinner tables or TVs instead of out the window. Only a certain few saw the flash, burst, and trail...