Slightly Foxed, But Still Desirable

TO: Harrison Burkholder-Barrows 84 Christchurch St Radcliffe-on-Pontisbright, Suffolk ENGLAND April 27, 2015 Dear Mr. Burkholder-Barrows: I am a bibliophile and collector, interested in the occasional rare volume. Your name and address...

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The babysitter

She didn't want to be here, but the money was good. Laura sat on her phone switching between pictures of her, now, ex-boyfriend, apparently, a mouse wasn't a good match for a giraffe. But she now sat in the house of the Adams, a family of zebras that...

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A shameful ad

8:00 PM. He had waited for the last hour, clearly nervous. The lion walked across the room, sat on the edge of the bed, walked again, looked through the window and walked again, checking every so often the time, feeling every minute as an eternity. The...

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Fiery science

A Dodrio call sounded next to him, making the husky roll over in bed as one arm flopped around until it found his alarm clock and hit the snooze button. Ari grumbled a bit, cuddling himself up under the covers some more with his eyes still solidly shut...

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Living Up To The Hype

The Ark was the sort of club that Vincient had been told about since the time he had been in junior high and onwards as a place where most of the older kids tended to go once they were old enough to get past the barn man. It was set off the strip in a...

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Barton stood by the closed sauna door for a moment, feeling the doe's kiss on his cheek, feeling his continued hesitation about the young buck, feeling something deeply paternal toward both of them, and feeling Wallace's presence so much that he...

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Technically, the night was still young, particularly for a Saturday, but Barton felt rather as if he'd already spent a whole week's worth of energy on the situation. Not unhappily, at least in terms of how things had ended up, but he was more tired...

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Pissing Out the Fire

I'm into some kinda weird things, okay? This morning started out like any other. See, I rent a place with two dogs, a big king shepherd named Pan and a bigger Arcanine named Arkani, and we... well, we're all 'in good' with each other, so to say....

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The lyric "it's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday" floated through Barton's mind as he tended to yet another customer. As was usual for a busy day, the three rental stations were active with their various clients and dressers, and conversation was...

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The Brotherhood of Teeth part 2

#2 of the brotherhood of teeth the brotherhood of teeth a parted story by drake valdor involves: age differences, some forcing, transformations, some blood, and fur-non-fur. you have been warned.

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Dog Days

There was nothing worth at Ryan's hometown. It was one of those places frozen in time, with barely any visible changes. The old Blockbuster closed somewhere between March and April; a new supermarket opened after Summer ended. Beyond that, it was the...

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The Black Shepherd - Chapter 12

**Saturday June 28, 2008** **11:36am** Thirty-five days. It had been thirty-five very long days. "Goddamn, I missed you," said Tyson, and he gave his 944's steering wheel a loving caress. Punching the pedals, working the gearshift, the abrasive...

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