Aquata Cove - Chapter 45

The human continued, "or did that not occur to you because he was banished?" kaiken's fist tightened around his trident, shaking with anger. such blatant disrespect to a triton!  

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A Tail of Two Peoples - Of Fire and Family

Ordinarily, such a failure would warrant banishment from the guild." svara cast his head to the ground, but said nothing.

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Hell Forged: Epilogue

Description: mathias never exercised his demon, but banished it back to hell.

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Dragons war: chapter 1

But he was no match for camorra santhara the leader of the mortals, and in the end the mortals won and had banished the draconian's to the mountains of kragoroth.


Ruler of the Abyss

Her roar is the maelstrom that devours your ship banishing it to the depths. her claws are like cannons that tear and destroy all that lie before them. her tail the wave that smashes without remorse.

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WIP: Intro - No name

They used alchemy, spells and the like which were banished from the other two countries. this alone started up wars between nimieh and linhamn since no one thought the other should exist.


SENTIENCE - Chapter Nine - Battle

A natural place to think of, especially after your banishment," it said. "what? how could you know that?" "simple.

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Storms that Bring Rain

"it would make our banishment much easier." "hmm, i suppose you're right. we just keep crossing paths anyways, huh?" rain nodded and then a smirk spread on his face. "you remember the last time we met up? what we did?"

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The Lost and Found

The warnings were sent out some ten years after the banishment of james to leave the wasteland or be lost forever. even james and his family had been granted safe haven in the sahara rain forest.


The Lamia, etc. Part 3.5

"you see... she was banished from her village many years ago for playing around with creatures outside of the village. she doesn't mind being separated from her village, but when i met her, she said she really wanted children. so...

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Dawn of Chaos Pt 15

"i'm entirely serious actually, one of my provinces before my banishment was sex, doing something that was practically a form of worship with a god inside your body is likely going to have some serious effects on your body."

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