Chapter 11 - The Shepherd
Granted there are some things that may be taken out of context easily, there are still many good lessons to learn from the bible. as long as there is good in your heart, you will never have to worry about god's wrath.
The anniversary: After the Party
The story won't have much context unless you read arcs 18 and 19 of his story series. but should read the entire's awesome!
Loganberry Hits a Hrair
The context wasn't helping either; why was it mentioned in the same sentence as a hedgehog, _yona_, but also with words involving water? _yonil_ didn't swim! the storyteller had to be making some sort of point, but what?
My Little Mashup 21 - Nightmares
A context-independent part of my mind thought this would be a wonderful time to begin thinking once more about the mechanism of opposable digits in equestrian ponies.
Dr. Artemis' Journal, Entry 2
This piece contains what could be considered to be major spoilers of certain plot points in that series, and may not make much sense outside of that series' context.)
A Tale of Two Foxes (Book 1 , Part 1)
You may have noticed the allusion in the title and i must admit, this story will be much similar using many of the same plot contexts-- but keep your eye peeled for twists.
This growth supplement is a whole dinosaur (Korboryn and Santo comm)
We'll pull back a moment to give that some context.
Transformed Dragons Rescue Center
The interior parts are as modest as they get: if someone watched a photo of them without any context, they could easily think they're just a normal office.
Seasonal Recharge
Without context, mr. riviera would seem a brute abuser. but he and his lad shared an intimate bond, unmovable by judgement. he took his penis from the son's asshole and eased himself by the young xolotl's side. "are you okay?"
Order of Pengu #5
If exposed to a shoggoth's mucus signs to watch out for are unusual behavior and out of context gestures. they will do their best to gain the trust of others and try to get them to let their guards down by any means.
Passing with Failure
"humanity the definition in the context given most likely means: human nature, psychological characteristics that all normal humans have in common." "the would be correct."
The Elder Scrolls: Foxfall, Fruitfall - Vol. 1 of 4
context places the origin of these carvings somewhere between 3e 428 and 3e 432._ volume 1 ~ ~ ~ the lizard-folk are fruit. fruit of the hist trees.