One Trader to Another (TDS Side #3)
He'd fucked himself in this deal, both metaphorically and quite literally. it wasn't like he wouldn't profit after all. he was certainly getting a hell of a lot of something out of their arrangement!
Draconicon's Life Story: Magic Balls 1
I just want you to reach out, feel it, and just metaphorically hold your hands out to it." "but i can't move." "...i said...metaphorically." "does that mean make believe?"
The Trouble with Coyotes, Part Four
"that's a metaphor." "what's a metaphor?" "it's when you compare two things without using 'like' or -- mrf!" dev grunted as casey silenced her partner with judicious use of her elbow. "f... for real, though, doc. what is?" "the wild prince.
The Neo\\\'s
A metaphor meaning that i would give money to hear what you are thinking." said max looking across the table at me. "oh, never heard that one before. interesting metaphor though." i replied taking a bite of the lasagna.
Snep Day
Or if it was more of a metaphorical will like a laws of physics type thing like how stored potential energy wanted to become kinetic. not the greatest metaphor tony admitted, but as it was in his own head no one but himself heard it.
The Black Soul
He'd walked into the lion's den unarmed, and the gates had metaphorically shut behind him. torn between one horrific act and the other, gilly was faced with a dilemma.
Going Up. Going Down.
Dev recognized the figure and made a metaphoric dive for the button to keep the doors from closing. he got to it just in time, and the elevator doors calmly slid back open. "thank you so much," said the figure, a little out of breath.
The Outlander 1 10
"ah, don't hide behind your metaphors and philosophies old hare. sandokhan is dead!" "your point?" krinz replied. jagee raised his blade from kinz's shoulder and paced around him. "now i'm the holder of the starfire katana."
Chapter XXV: Even Though It All Went Wrong
The song is "hallelujah" - as sung by jeff buckley, but with leonard cohen's lyrics, as the last stanza that many covers leave out is quite important to the overall metaphor for this chapter. anyway, one chapter left to go. it's almost a wrap!
Little Drummer Dog (11)
"it's going to be a long day today, we have the rest of the bands to listen to and then you and i will go head to head again, and let me tell you, the metaphorical gloves are off, we have stepped up our game and will take you down, sam, you and jacks and aces
The rise of a normal man. Chapter 1- Breaking into dawn
Well, metaphorically speaking of course, not our actual future of course, but our only hope." elaine tilted her head, confused, "what do you mean?"
The Beasts and Brave - Chapter 12
I could feel that deep, metaphorical flame flicker, like some miniscule orb of light in the distant darkness. donovan had been right. i needed to bind someone new. aleksander would do.