Levelling Up

Sul wasn't too heavy for rakuen to hold up, but the presence of the houndour on his back did bring one new sensation--that of the other male's cock pressing right up beneath his tail.

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Waking up

Upon seeing him bane yelped loudly, waking up the smaller fox. the little fox sat up with a start, looking over to bane before he shrieked loudly. at this moment a second fox screamed and fell off the edge of the bed, behind the silver intruder.

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Pump It Up

"are you up for the second round?" "yes mr.

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Leveled Up

He nuzzled up close. "we'll see when we get around to it." ulf grinned. riley, feeling a little less than attractive at the moment, got up and stretched.

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Order Up

He waits about ten seconds, then dives in again, pulling the wolf up into a whole new level of arousal.

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Picked Up

The fruity beer had begun to warm up in her hands, which further reduced the appeal to the wolfess.

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Bottoms Up!

As rigel tried to push himself up the dragon dug two deep trenches in the pile and pushed his arms into them, then covered them up with the heavy gold all the way to his shoulders.

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Waking Up

Backing up a few steps and moving himself so that he was beyond the feline's own self-imposed horizon, the horse arched both his arms up and shot the underwear up and over that stomach in front of him.

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Rise Up

Those who will oppose me will be scattered and torn their cries echoing from the dusk 'til the morn and those who stand with me will earn their own praise as i carry them up with me into the brighter days.

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Sunnyside Up

He was somewhat amazed that not even one night back and he'd already been to a party, tried a new drug and ended up completely hungover.

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