But he never stopped to wonder why. hodan heard a creak from the barn to the west of him, and he drew it to himself to investigate. he opened the door slowly, to let some light in, and he slowly made out a figure.
Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Foreword
The fighting never stopped, the pain never stopped. equestria had once enjoyed a thousand years of peace, so much so that it had forgotten the very word of 'war'. but it remembered now.
Draconian Hunger
"one last thing," the dragon said, the vixen had never stopped watching the front of his muscular body. "is this a trap or trick?" "oh, how could it?" she replied. the night was almost cloud-free and her face was completely illuminated.
First time II
I realized at that moment that i'd never stopped to think about why i was doing it. sure he was lazy, and he pushed me hard, but that wasn't why i'd been doing it.
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 12
I never stopped loving you. since the night you were born, there's been a special place in my heart, just for you, a place nothing else could touch, no matter how bad my life was. i love you, andrew. i..." "i love you too, kai," ander said.
Obvious Truth: Hope and confessions
I love you, i never stopped loving you and i will never stop loving you. telling you what i did all those months ago was the hardest and most heartbreaking thing i've ever had to do.
CH:1 Monday
Although it never stopped me from reading ! * * * hope all you furries like my storie ! this is my first storie so please comment. if you have any bad comments thats ok, i understand. also if you just want to skip to the sex thats ok to.
Chapter Zero-Complete: Origin of Nothing, Origin of Everything
So many will die... oh gods, please, if anyone ever reads this, please... kill me... you need to kill me from inside... kill my mind, or they'll never stop... you can supress them, but they'll never stop..
The End: Chapter 18: The Lingering Question.
In spite of the case going cold and in spite of the peace that followed, we never stopped our investigation and we never stopped looking over our shoulders while we patrolled the park alone.
"that never stopped you before." "no, that never stopped _you_ before." i glowered at him, but the angry stare of a three-hundred-pound stegosaur just doesn't go as far as it used to. "richie, richie. calm down. it's just a bit of play, right?"
looking back
#1 of poems looking back came a long way since that day wanting to run far far away every single day never look back looking to find my way i never stopped loving you even though i've changed every single day never look back looking to find
Pit of Despair (Poem)
never stop.