Northridge: A new Begining

I knew this was my chance to start anew. put the reason i left my old school, university, behind me. i was known as a good boy at university, a college prep school. but i fucked up, got caught stealing from a teacher.

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"what do you have to start anew?." "nothing.. just our clothes and a few silvers.. " i nod to the chest.. "take what you can carry...", and gratefully they kneel and fill their pouches. it is time.. i turn and crawl into the tunnel.


Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 2

As humarans began to tread the well beaten paths of their fore fathers, the humans, others turned eyes for the stars in hopes to escape it all and start anew.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 18: National Championship

The goalkeeper then threw the ball back into the field and it started anew. this time, a rabbit from the other team caught it and instantly ran towards the goal. he passed it to the coyote, then back to him.

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Duty Chapter 2: Bed Talk

This was the place where their relationship began, and once again here they were, starting anew. reis lowered his head, kissing marcus's forehead. "i love you."

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Shine from a Steel Moon Part 1: City of Ashes

All those who wished to escape poverty, wished to start anew, wished for whatever reason to be randomly combined with an unwilling creature, did so.

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Anima World Part 1

But then, in the year 2012, that faithful discovery shook the world of science and magic, and with it, political tension started anew.

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Subscribe Star Free Preview

Alta ferro is a city where anyone can find anything and become anyone, be it a business man looking to start anew, an actor looking for their big break, or a criminal wanting to go pro.

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Seven Years Later Chapter 4

You should be excited about getting a chance to start anew. don't let all the negatives hold you back, alright? focus on what's ahead and start being positive." blinking back a few tears, kutty took these words to heart. "i'll try", sniffled kutty.

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chapter 10: A normal day

anew in the country side" freddie nodded "i think we should too, but we don't have enough money" aiyana thought for a moment "we could sell the old car and get jobs" jenna nodded and put the car up on the internet.

Apocalypse: Chapter Six

The firefight started anew as the remaining soldiers caught sight of me. the rest of my group opened fire with deadly accuracy killing most of the remaining soldiers. only five were left, cowering next to one of the trucks.

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The Great War - Part 9

#9 of the great war this is the epilogue to the great war, as the title may suggest, just something to give you a filler between the great war and the next part in the larger story, "starting anew."

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