UTOverse: Surrender (Part 5)

He half-wondered if some of these were bloopers, until it cut to a clip from a showdown with a rynar terrorist where all of the squad were suddenly dressed in bright, color-coded spandex and doing ridiculous choreographed poses.

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Midline Shift 13 - Post-Concert Discretion

Heh, normally the gangsters would be the ones helping me but the police were a lot nicer...dammit...why can't he just fucking listen, such a drama queen for a blooper-...fuck whatever they're called, handar or something?"

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Midline Shift 5 - Crisis Above Antaeus

You weren't threatened to be erased from existence by a fucking blooper!" "hanar!"

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Midline Shift 11 - The Drifting Ship

"he was...he was talking with that blooper dude about something." "hanar."

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Midline Shift 40 - Diving Deeper Towards The Truth

Shit be messed up, though at least there's no bioweapons or giant bloopers." "wha?!" "heh, i'm joking.

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Love Shall Win 1 - When You Come Back To Me

"w-wow, they have bloopers in other worlds?!" "he was more like...well, he looked like a blooper, what with all the tentacles but you get the idea.

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This is the Part...With a City Underwater

"but who knows, maybe it'll have a blooper reel." "of what, the rain falling in the wrong direction?" "i've heard rain is really hard to work with."

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Family Business VI

See, you don't just get bloopers, exclusive scenes, and private cam shows for $250 a month," she teased. "there were twelve winners, and you'll meet them in just a second... when they start to cum all over my face."

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Midline Shift 47 - Falling From The Sky

God half the time he went on about glaciation or tropical currents or bloopers i was just done." the two laughed as best they could, trying to make the world pass on by around them as fast as possible so help would arrive sooner.

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Midline Shift 48 - Keelah Se'lai

"that doesn't make it any better...stupid blooper." "insulting this one will not help matters."

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