The Pack's Breakfast
"those alone will make a filling breakfast for the five of us. add in the rest of it and we'll be eating well for days."
At the Breakfast Table
At the breakfast table<... at the breakfast table by yoru of sofurry luke woke early, as he did every morning since the chastity cage was locked onto him, a week ago.
Hyon for Breakfast
"thanks for breakfast, berserker. i've never had hyon for breakfast before, but i can definitely say you deserve five stars." berserker, curled up in the most humiliating position, grumbled a reply.
Breakfast in Bed
breakfast in bed -or- morphy's genesis (shutaro's latex menagerie, part 3 (at last!))
Morning Breakfast
"yeah, but, let's get some real breakfast first.
Before Breakfast
#1 of the summer before breakfast - a story that's been in the back of my mind for ages, finally got pen to paper and decided to write it... hoping to remotivate myself to write more often. hope you all enjoy.
Breakfast In Bed
I did think about making breakfast, though." "well i'd love a ham omelet..." victor said. "i could always try my paw at it," i said with a smile, "do you have one of those breakfast in bed trays?"
Breakfast in Bed
And a nice, big breakfast.'' the two men shared a look, and then nodded. ``i'll get to work on your mom,'' arctos stated, setting a paw on his son's shoulder and leaning in to kiss him on the lips, ``you go get started on breakfast.
Breakfast with a Dragon
So, instead the vulpera just... devotes herself to eating her breakfast.
Breakfast Spread
Hal sniffed, smacked his lips, swallowed down some of the stickiness of sleep, and stifled a yawn with one hand while stirring the spoon in his mug with the other. The heat of the brew simmered out through the cup and along his normally cold fingers,...
Bed and Breakfast
Luke and terry escape their busy lives in their city apartment to enjoy a nice, relaxing weekend at nera's bed and breakfast this was quite fun to write and it's nera's writing debut! i hope you all enjoy it!
Breakfast of Champions
He had no intention of making the streamer work any harder than he had to for his breakfast. and he was working plenty hard. smokey's gut was a bit larger than usual, and rather firm.