Master's Wish
The shepherd's long, pink tongue flicked over his black lips as he inspected the object resting on a simple wooden chair set up facing the camcorder.
Chapter 8:- A Secret Love Affair Begins
A little light shone on the floor from their camcorder, probably to help them navigate around in the dark, they turned the camcorder off and quickly put it , but before it shut down an automated voice said '_video captured & saved'_ so terri & jess
100 Ways to Grow #2 - Serum
The mouse switched on a camcorder standing on a tripod about ten feet from matthew. "as i said before we'll be recording this. okay, it's on." sanders then grabbed a rubber strap from a card standing by and wrapped it around matthew's arm.
Dances with Ghosts
He was going to prove to his friends that he was not the scaredy-wolf they made him out to be, which was why he didn't leave home without a camcorder.
The Bal'Kar Blitz (6/10)
When he got to the other side and to the control room he found the camcorder that alfred had dropped was still there, which proved that either the tentacle monster hadn't found it or didn't care.
A Demonic Christmas...
A few minutes later found the younger hybrid coming back with a camcorder in his right paw and a large onyx box underneath his left arm.
Amorous Artificer
Maddie obeyed, smiling, and spread her legs to give phedra easy access, setting the camcorder down so it was aimed towards peter and tess, who were trying to awaken the passed-out troy.
Shifting Consequences--Chapter 50: Rising Tide
"well, you could just grab one of our field camcorders and record using that. but, i'm going to recommend that everyone just send the witnesses and suspects home or return them to custody for today because we don't have all that many camcorders.
The Incontinent Coach 2
The gator stopped what he was doing and walked to a black-colored trunk that contained a tripod, camcorder, laptop and accessory cables. he set up the tripod in front of ray, placed the camcorder on top and turned it on.
High School Days Ch 20: A Little Fun at the Mall
The rabbit popped open his camcorder with a loud murr, recording this beautiful image so he would never forget it. then he looked around for a good place to set the camcorder so he could capture what promised to be one of the hottest fucks of his life.
An Alluring Proposition
Alpha had stood and wandered over to him, the leash slung over his shoulder and the camcorder still in his hand. he reached a hand down to touch the hem of leif's shirt, and he raised the camcorder.
Coach's Boys - Chapter 2: What Goes On In The Office
The weasel furiously stroking his aching member between his legs, while watching the small screen of his camcorder in his other paw.