The Gorgon Experience--Verse II
In a famous episode of homer's _odyssey_, the hero odysseus encounters the cyclops polyphemus, the son of poseidon and a nereid (thoosa), who lives with his fellow cyclopes in a distant country.
Dancing With Fire: Chapter 19
A gangly cyclops demon in the line scoffed quietly. "why the fuck should we be taking orders from a fucking imp?" he muttered to the demon next to him. suddenly, he froze. the cold steel of a dagger now pressed against his throat.
Marjorie's Change
Frieda and mary had transformed completely into a naga and cyclops, respectively. the armless frieda hissed and spat venom in the direction of mary.
From what elmorous had been able to learn, she was a very disgruntled dragoness who had been banished from her village 200 years ago after she failed to kill a cyclops that had been terrorizing her village.
Problems in Paradise 9
The cyclops were harder to get rid of as they swung with deadly accuracy, cutting the fur from the weredogs that got too close.
Alcatraz Ch. XXIV-Everett's Theory
He understood what made the cyclops. marshall kicked open the nearest door, daylight flooding his eyes and he moved to the boat. g119 was dissolved.
The Original Species: Species List
Tortuga - | _geochelone sulcata_ | ### aves | atavian - | _falco cherrug_ | | glacius - | _bubo scandiacus_ | | bubo - | _bubo africanus_ | | tyto - | _tyto alba_ | ### amphibio | anura - | _rana clamitans_ | ## the outsider anarchy ### mythos | **cyclops
The Hydra Eventualy Dies! - Chapter 02
The cyclops, veeo, i guess cradling would be the word, tho visually more resembling grasping chloe's entire existence in the palm of her had.
Furtasian Species Guide
Werehawk wereagle weregator wereodile **_others_** aasimar celestian drakeling halesh tsuchigumo **giants** **_golems_** clay golem crystal golem ice golem iron golem lava golem stone golem wood golem **_giantkin_** cyclops
Alcatraz Ch. XXII-Torva
Perhaps the biggest explosion thus far blinded him as a mortar down the street hit an array of propane tanks, but the cyclops unit was unfazed.
The Thirteen Heroes of Isidoro Chapter 2 Version 1.01
Cat dwarf, nicholas the ferret dwarf, ryo the rabbit dwarf, trinity the mudskipper dwarf, trixie the dog dwarf, brennan the groundhog dwarf, donovan the bear giant, a metallic robotic/mecha dog, a dragon, kobolds, centaurs, nagas, imps, a gooey blob, and a cyclops
The Hydra Eventualy Dies! - Chapter 01
Relevant to the biggest bottom in this room: chloe, was the sheer presence of the cyclops, sat with their back against the long wall they had just walked by.