existence: chapter seven

#8 of existence chapter 7. linkin turned back around, quickly getting impatient. his heart almost stopped when he heard the gears of the door clicking, a sign that someone on the other side was opening it.

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existence: chapter six

#7 of existence chapter 6. marcus just held onto john, trying desperately to comfort the crumpled human. he ignored the fact that the still wet blood was getting all over him. _'god...what the hell happened to him?'

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existence: chapter five

As soon as word was out, the purifiers announced through people that their work was done, and that their existence as a cult wasn't necessary anymore...for now.

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existence: chapter four

#5 of existence chapter 4. the alarm was set to go off at 6:30am since school didn't start until 7:45am.

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existence: chapter three

#4 of existence chapter 3. john groaned as he woke up, bones snapping as he twisted his back while he was stretching. he felt well rested; after all, he'd just slept in the best damn bed he'd ever slept in.

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existence: chapter two

He couldn't help it, they were so mesmerizing; he'd never seen or knew eyes like that existed. he shook his head and proceeded down the hallway. at the end was a staircase going down.

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existence: chapter one

#2 of existence it was dark and gray in the city of seattle. but it wasn't really a suprise to the peop... chapter 1. it was dark and grey in the city of seattle.

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Existence in Peril -Prologue

-Prologue- Three Hundred Years Ago 1000 Years After Entreatment The two shadows passes over the final ridge. There they stood, struggling to stay upright and gazed upon their destination. The human city of Schelschwene, capitol over Lasvielle,...

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I watched as Koyu ripped the intestines out of one of the Corrupted. I turned to check to see if Charlie was alright. A Corrupted had grabbed the chipmunk's attention and Charlie freaked out, sending sparks from all over his body to electrocute the...

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Vampires Don't Exist, Silly!

"those don't exist either." "perhaps, but we can rewrite a man's dna into a reasonable facsimile. and we can program the nanobots to do that rewriting between intervals timed in accordance with the lunar cycle. that's what i did with you.

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# **existences beginnings** # seeking, tracking, hunting, two young men, their prey, consisting of twenty four teams mad of two members.

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Existence in Peril- Chapter 1

-1- He sat in a chair, but the chair wasn't anywhere he could recognize. He realized that he felt he was on it, but that it did not actually support him. Yet he was sitting in it, upright. The boy, or young adult according to the humans who had...

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