Beatrix and Indie - A commission for Indie
-yukigo kurosaki
Vulpes Lupis Chapter 2: Tales From A Troubled World
Disclaimer: This story is rated R for scenes of a violent nature, and quite possibly some yiff. Look, just don't read it if you are under 18, It'll save you a lot of guilt. Of course I know that'll never happen. ...
Vulpes Lupis Chapter One: BRAGGing rights.
Disclaimer: This series is rated R because of pervasive bad language and extreme war violence and disturbing...
With the End of the World, comes a new beginning.
Disclaimer: Do not read this story if you are under the age of 18 as it contains scenes of a graphic sexual nature. Seriously, don't do it, if you do, don't come whining to me if you get...
Aura of a Lucario
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Aura of a Lucario Part 1: Origins. ...
Letter to a Mailmare: Part Two: Deliverance
Hello again! This is the second and final part of my little clopfic, and this is the actual part that has the clop in it. I had a pre-reader for this one, who helped me a lot, AuRon from FimFiction, and he really did help me a lot, he deserves a lot of...
Letter to a Mailmare: Part One: Note to Postmaster
Hello again, everyone! In my absence I have not been dead or given up writing, as some may have assumed, but rather, I have still been writing, if a bit slower than usual. Much of that spark that overtook me when I was younger has been quelled... but I...
New Beginnings: Chapter Four: Ice Cream and Heat
The next day is where things really started to heat up for me. I was awoken the next day and I noticed that for once I did not have morning wood, which was a definite sign that my female cycle was starting to take over. The scent was beginning to show,...
Vulpes Lupis Chapter Four: A Raid Gone Wrong.
Disclaimer: Do not read this story if you are under the age of 18. This story does NOT contain scenes of a sexual nature, but others in the series do. This chapter also contains graphic violence, which is the main reason I rated it...
As for daniel, his having the asian sounding username yukigo kurosaki saved his life. by being asian, he was surprisingly good at math and was able to beat the odds and not contract aids even though krystal raped him.
Vulpes Lupis - Escape From Paris
This story is part of my friend yukigo kurosaki's story series vulpes lupis, which is latin roughly for foxwolf. yuki has mentioned that he's not very good at writing action, and compared to how well he writes yiff this is quite true.
My Great Big Brother - Redemption
. ^_^ also, special thanks to yukigo kurosaki, deathsia, and id software for inspiration. redemption a strange and bloody tale of furry mythology it was the witching hour, nothing so crude as midnight of course.