Bowser Day, Whenever it Comes
mario stumbles across her while trying to trace a pipeline he has recently demolished. she explains her situations, and mario considers bowser an overbearing parent.
In Another Castle
"whoever you are," mario pleaded, "y-you're-a crushing my balls!!" she let her tit slip from her claws. "the name's bowsette." _squelch._ "b-b-bowsette!" mario cried. _squelch._ "please!!!" the koopa queen scoffed.
Job Satisfaction
mario shivered in anticipation at the words, his eyes never wavering from the suit. his suit. _ **to be continued...** _
Echoes of a dry world chapter 1
mario had to burn his teddy bear, he never forgave oswald for that.
Peach's Double Life
Certainly no easy target, even for mario.
Echoes of a dry world chapter 2
Some are lucky and survive, like mario. we took our things and said goodbye to strangers, we never presented, neither do they. before we left, mario marked the place on the map in case we needed shelter.
Pittsburghese N'at Part 3
He referred to sid as mario's pup because sid moved in with mario and his family when they drafted him as a teenager. he was still living with mario. "i hope so!" mario replied eagerly, "that would probably mean that we would win the cup."
Weird Ways To Start A Race
Zelda stood up and stood next to mario. "karate teachers: mario and zelda. you've came in last and you're out of the race." toner says, "i'm sorry." "oh man." zelda pins her ears down. mario rubs her back and they start to walk away.
Of change and shells
While luigi will listen to whatever you or mario say unquestionably, mario won't. he'll do what you want for a moment but he's just like me.
Junior's Choice
**junior's choice** "mario what is this place?"
Mario, Our Princess Is...Um...
Princess peach had ordered me to stand guard in case mario somehow made it past king koopa's illusion. i could never disobey the princess!
Experimenting Teens
After yason's noisy orgasm, mario followed. nahual knew it was now his turn when he heard mario grunting and moving away from her a few seconds later.