New Feelings: Entry 6: Always and Forever

And with that we slowly drifted off to a peacefull slumber, still tied, bound by our love, and not wanting this moment to ever end.

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Chronicles of the elements chapter one

All was not peacefull though for the ones gifted with the power of the elements. the four factions that are found in the world are the water tribe, the earth kingdom, the fire nation and the air temples.

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Kiyka's Slut

Though the night was far from peacefull as tenke watched the chest infront of him raise and fall with the snoring breaths. the burning pain from kiyka's antics, and his occational movements kept him awake most of the night.

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Kiyka's Slut

Though the night was far from peacefull as tenke watched the chest infront of him raise and fall with the snoring breaths. the burning pain from kiyka's antics, and his occational movements kept him awake most of the night.

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Kiyka's Slut

Though the night was far from peacefull as tenke watched the chest infront of him raise and fall with the snoring breaths. the burning pain from kiyka's antics, and his occational movements kept him awake most of the night.

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Chapter 33: Peaceful Afterward.

Al let soul sleep inside the digivice and he began to study and do some homeworks untill his mother arrived and spent a peacefull evening for a day. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* that's it for this chapter.

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getting the hell out of here/reborn

A few hours pass of peacefull sleep when the damn stomach pain came back to haunt me. hopeing that i was just draming of my encounter with my former coworker i felt something deep down inside myself change and it felt so good.

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The fittest

Night 2, mil i awoke to peacefull breathing. i looked around to see what the source was, and i found cupa sleeping on the chair across the room." what was she doing?" i thought. i fell asleep again.


Survival of the Fittest. Episode-3

The shooting seemed to cease for the time being, the loud gunfire gave way to quiet peacefullness. the husky slid down against the wall as he closed his eyes, his breath fogging with every exhale.

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The New Realm

I had been walking to the beach to enjoy the sunlight, the breeze, the water, the peacefullness of it all, then i saw you lying there on the beach. i was about to go out see what you were, but then you got up and i saw how... umm, beautiful you were.

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"you're a survivor," and so, chloe's peacefull life was shattered. she was never the same again, as you could imagine. when she finally regained her composure, she left.

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The Crazy Crew

Trix and alex had some peacefull moments during the last days, but they were rare and short. danny enjoyed the fun he had, watching those two foxes trouble eachother.
