The Voyage chapter 4
Joan watched the human left and turned to riku. "i hope he gets better." riku continued staring at the door. "so do i, we're months away from my world and they have more knowledge of human anatomy than sera.
The Voyage chapter 9
riku just offered me a position on her ship, but you'll have me for a month before we go on our next assignment." william nodded and knew where riku is going to first.
A Hero's Reward Part V
He quickly mopped up the cocktail of fluids of his boxers, and lent riku a hand. riku grabbed his hand and stood up, her shapely young body clothed only by a scrunched tube-top around her stomach.
The voyage chapter 5
riku said to joan in the same yelling and barking sounds of a fox. joan stayed quiet and looked at riku deciding that it's neat that her superior spoke same native language as her.
Legends of Darkness chapter 5
Yula woke up and looked at the cloak, then at riku, who had just laid down himself.
Legends of Darkness chapter 2
My name is riku." "riku?" she pondered, "i feel like i've heard that name before." riku became nervous, and resisted slapping himself. her thoughts paused when she noticed his sleeve.
A Hero's Reward Part XI: Heaven's Eleven
riku's mind was completely numb, not a single thought able to breach her overindulgence. "riku? riku where are you...?" russ, her father, walked into the room in search of her. "damn it! you've had enough of that stuff!"
The Voyage 12
Kessler has a few members of the furry community on his staff and it annoyed riku when a few of them asked the vixen for her to marry them. he knew of william and how riku thought of him as an adopted son, "so how is my friend riku?"
A Love Like Ours- Ch.1: Make a Wish
I rolled my eyes again and started flying towards where riku had told us to meet, pulling sora by his hood along with me. when we reached the meeting spot, big ben clock tower, riku was leaning against star gazer. "riku! we're here!"
Evolution - Chapter 9
riku yipped and moaned, wiggling on the big cock inside him. below them, nate smiled up as he watched his mate stuff the smaller fox, riku's tail wagging between his ass and auren's tight abs.
The Voyage
He just found a female canine more dangerous than riku. riku is an artic vixen with black socks and gloves with long blonde head hair to the middle of her back.
A Hero's Reward Part VI: Emo Does Not Exist
"an atomic wedgie... that felt good," kyle said, dropping riku and clapping his hands together. riku whimpered and blushed, tears rolling down her furry cheeks. "run home, ya' hoser!"