Back on Track (Chapter7, Book9)
sekhmet and i shall handle falcon's ... people. i will enshroud sekhmet in the shade of my ability. felines have natural night vision. she will hunt in the gloom. can we agree on this?" "i agree," said tamamo.
Unwelcome Guests (A1, B11, C9)
sekhmet disappeared back into the hatch panel. back inside the trailer, sekhmet fidgeted with the seat cushions, trying to pull them up in order to get into the storage compartments. "what are you doing?" albert asked, somewhat calmer.
Sekhmet Reborn: Cerberus
#2 of sekhmet reborn sekhmet reborn: cerberus by von krieger robby sat on the couch, eyes wide with fascination as he watched the drama unfold on the television set in front of him.
Book 9 - Reflections of Fate (Chapter 1)
"sinopa, honey, sekhmet is the original incredible hulk. she's the original mr. hyde. don't get me wrong, i don't think stan lee or robert stevenson intentionally tried to copy sekhmet and hathor's split personality transformation situation.
The legend of a warrior; chapter 45: Into Heaven
Greeted: "sekhmet...!"
On Colonizing Part 5
After that sekhmet gazed emptily at the ground adopting the look one does when new to the computer link. it appeared her father or mother were speaking with her.
Good & Bad New (A1, B10, C22)
"my name is sekhmet. and neither you, nor that boy, own your daughter." "well, that's debatable." sekhmet leaned in close. "in fact, _you_ belong to _me_. i'll heal your wound, and then we'll leave together." "what?"
The Beginning
He then ran to the window and jumped through, just as sekhmet was turning around, and rolled onto the roof of another building. the building burst apart and sekhmet's wails of fury could be heard over the roar of the flames.
A New Family Ending
Surya broke from his embrace of sekhmet and approached his mother to nudge at her mournfully.
Descent Into Madness (A1, B11, C8)
sekhmet nodded firmly. "good. i dislike feeling ignorant." evan chuckled and shook his head.
750 Green Like Sekhmet
Consult the readme at save point: green like sekhmet in the lower arctic somewhere on the trans-siberian express- "oh, hey cats. you don't look well.
sekhmet opened one of them then recoiled in shock. "what is that," she hissed. "it's only clay," said the witch, "for now anyway."