Lejos De Casa

._ _y ahora sola en el mundo estoy,_ _lejos de todos los seres que amaba._ _siguiendo un sueño que nunca pasará,_ _lejos de casa, estoy._ _debo regresar a mi origen,_ _antes de ser olvidada,_ _antes de ser destruida._ _pero

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Liars Upon Liars

"sere, you can probably rest. or find a way to electrocute the jail floor. your call." sere ran off, clearly her sadistic streak hadn't stopped developing, "angel, i need those warnings faster."

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Distant Apprentice

She was about wendy's and sere's age but something was off. clumsy wasn't the right word, but it was close, "i promise i'll get better!" "you won't, i can tell.

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Return to Chaos

sere, make sure it can move any time. let's move." jill took point, never lowering her guard for a second, while titus and chey stayed close behind.

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Proyecto FUR 3

"estos seres comienzan a agradarme" dijo ínter y ambos se dirigieron hacia el mar. allo y weregarurumon se encontraban surfeando una gran ola y se aproximaron a la orilla.

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Comedy and Tragedy pt. 2

#7 of fallen sky tales angel was sitting in sere's room, as she was watching some more movies with the young dragon the previous night.

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D.E1: Prólogo

Para ese grupo de seres que por siglos navegaron por el gran manto estelar, esos peligros se materializarían ese fatídico día.

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Explorando nuestros cuerpos

--tranquilízate, estas peor que tu padre cuando se enteró que salgo con tu hermano-- replico el otro entre risas, por su parte los seres digitales cayeron en cuenta que estaban desnudos ante la mirada de los chicos humanos, tras lo cual pegaron un grito y

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Inner Fire

She raised an arm, still crushed by chey and sere, "you got it..."

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Flight of the Albatross

Dante was going to talk with angel, but sere was too busy with that, "dante, how did you do this much damage to the ship? i swear, you're more dangerous and awesome than every other ship combined."

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Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 23

Chapter 23 The trip from Qu'ittax was nightmare made manifest, held mostly suspended by the paws of a vampiric dragon. Legs dangling below her, Vishta couldn't bear to look at the distant, rolling ground, fearful that her ride would simply let her go....

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For some reason, a dragon named seres had decided that he wanted to move his entire hoard onto an airship.

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