Symbol of Sedire

His legs ached awfully and it felt right to curl and uncurl his toes as the littlest toe shrank away while the others grew to similar sizes.

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The Right to Remain Silent

His bulges shrank slowly as he slithered down, until he was wholly sealed from the world, sefra's jaws closing lazily behind his struggling, padded toes.

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First Timer

I'm sorry to tell you this, but steven shrank. i walked into the bathroom, and he shrank too fast for me to react. i have no idea how it happened. maybe i did something wrong with the cake. i feel like this is somehow my fault."

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In His Place

His muscles softened and shrank, and his clothes suddenly became baggy! his actual size did not change that much, but because his muscles also shrank the combigned effect was more drastic.

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She shrank till she was as tall as kyle even though her body was so long, and then she shrank to the size of a child, and then even further she shrank!

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Rage Removal

The rest of the wolf's head followed suit: his ears shrank away while his cranium reshaped into a more avian appearance and his eyes shrank, now predominantly black though tinged by a brown iris.

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Do You Believe in Magic? (Unfinished; updated 4/13)

Blitz's testicles slowly shrank down to their original size as their contents were spent, then they shrank a little more. by the time his climax had petered out, the drake noticed that his balls were half the size they were before he made the wish.

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Both hands slowly shrank inward into her arms. those arms then shrank down to her elbows, then shoulders, and left her armless, and legless. inside, her body was adjusting to allow her to crawl like a slug, but outside, she was still growing.

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Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 9: Beam

The light beam shrank to a small spot on the emitter. electrons boiled off and were accelerated down the beamline, but not enough to do what they wanted. the operator couldn't get the spot to stay small enough as it wobbled in and out of focus.

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When she'd gone through, he shrank down to a little smaller than her size and bit through the melon, savoring its sweetness as the juices ran down his snout.

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The Dragon That Breathed Life

The penis had shrank a bit thanks to deer genes but not a lot- it was still very large.

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Concentrated Concoction

Purring in anticipation, he peeked into his underwear and watched as his already diminished genitals shrank and shrank.

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