Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 2
toothless huffed and puffed, using his big head he pushed both astrid and hiccup away from each other. toothless used his paws to hold hiccups shoulders to the ground, as he had watched, toothless gave hiccup a peck on the cheek, tongue and all."
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 7
That toothless was still here strengthen that point. still, he will accept that what's been done has been done. he's ready to move on. he still has toothless, and that was the most important thing to him. as long as toothless was here, he'd be okay.
Mating Season, Made Different
Then, toothless felt it. the dragon practically collapsed upon him as a gentle croon escaped it's mouth, it's chin pushed down against toothless's neck.
How to Breed a Nightfury
"toothless, what are you doing?" he hissed, pushing at the male's chest. toothless's body rumbled with a purr as his cock slipped between hiccup's cheeks, rubbing over his taint and up to his balls. "toothless, no!" he grunted as he pushed at the male.
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 12
The only thing that came to mind was toothless and what had happened to him. all hiccup cared about was toothless's safety. the idea of toothless being free calmed hiccup of his upcoming fate, as long as toothless was safe he could die happy.
Toothless x Light Fury
Short one-off story between toothless and the light fury toothless and the light fury sat perched on the cliff, enjoying the beautiful sunset over the water.
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 11
toothless waited for something to happen, but was only greeted with the silence of the crowd. this nerved toothless, what had they seen? with caution toothless peered out of the doorway that opened to the arena floor.
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 6
He loved long as it was on toothless' back. "i can't even fly!" he yelled at toothless. "in a couple of minutes, you will!" toothless smiled down at him. "_flying!"_he thought himself.
It Could Have Happened: Hiccup and Toothless
And then...toothless' focus filled eyes fell upon him. "toothless...?" hiccup muttered, raising his hands to prepare to defend himself. but there was no stopping the massive body of his dragon as toothless lunged at him.
How To Train Your Dragon - Dragonsluts
"looks like you're ready to go again toothless," hiccup said grinning, receiving a smirk from toothless in reply.
A New Way To Train
He let go of his wounded arm and patted toothless on the head to reassure the dragon, flashing a wavering smile to help. toothless didn't seem too reassured however. "it's okay toothless, not your fault."
Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 8
"toothless" he moaned in pain. "toothless!" "go away" his reply shocked hiccup. "why?" "just... please... i don't... want to... i can't..." toothless was now pleading; his claws were digging into his sides.