Thema's biography

She's covered with a coat of fur that resembles a tunic.

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Kissa's biography

She's covered with a coat of fur that resembles a tunic. this "tunic" is mainly dark red, with red-orange spots, similar to the flame near her knees, as well as a strand of white hair on her torso, flanked by yellow fur covering up to her shoulders.


Tales of the Slender Fang 2: Trail Rations

When green tunic described what the count was doing with the tower, fang was stared at both of them in disbelief.

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Tainted Legacy

Taking off his tunic and covering her, then comforting her as he called for help on his communicator.

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Acquisition #4

I'll go easier on you, if yer new, sweetness." 24-d felt himself hoisted up on a hay bale and sat down, with his legs spread wide and his tunic pushed back.

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New Beginnings - Chapter 03 - The Lineage

Slowly, my hand left my tail and slid down over my tunic along the dip created by my pressed together thighs. once i reached the base of the tunic, i squeezed my hand between my legs and slowly slid them back up.

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SPQR- Chapter 2

In the atrium, a different tunic awaited him which he used to replace the foul-smelling tunic, caked as it was in several months worth of sweat, blood, and the smells of occupation- it was of a pure white color and it was fitted with a white toga, the same

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This Mine Of Mine

His tunic was practically just rags by now, hanging off his shoulders and giving him the barest coverage possible.

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Lust in the Lost Woods

A view that became even better when the edge of link's tunic started riding up, until finally when he reached further under the tree, his backside raised up even further and his tunic fell away to gather at his belt.

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From Dungeons unto Dragons : A lycan\'s tale

The racking pain speared through his chest, he choked as more landed on the cold floor, he clenched his chest, his tunic felt excruciatingly tight.

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The tunic barely covered hush's torso when he was standing up.

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Try Me! Chapter 3 - First Experience of the Worlds

He was dressed in the tunic and in a clearing. he blew a strand of hair away from his face. he was wearing sandals, pronouncing his fairly petite feet.

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