Venom, Episode 4
"now, let me inform you of the faction of gorgons that calls themselves the vipers, their goals, and venom itself..."
Venom, Episode 3
#3 of venom i sigh and lean against a nearby fake palm tree. "alex, can you synthesize brain soap? i need to wash my mind free of the image of the two of you... you know."
Venom, Episode 2
I shiver as i watch myself flying, i have no idea how i know so much about venom, i don't remember researching it. i'm hoping it was prepared data that i read in order to help deal with the gang fight aftermath. -o- "venom.
Venom, Episode 1
#1 of venom blackness. an infinite sea of blackness. that is what defines my existence. nothingness. no sensation, no memory. then suddenly i long for the emptiness again as my entire existence becomes pain.
my venom - poem
#6 of poetry collection poem no. 6 your lips taste of poison but your words sound so sweet you are my venom snake so sink me with your teeth tear into my flesh and let me feel you deep bite me hard and let me feel you drain into my blood and
DSM - 10 Ein Fehler mit Folgen III
Die Sonnen von Mur - 10 Ein Fehler mi Folgen III Zygan grinste noch und meinte "Nein hast du nicht ich habe gerade nur an etwas gedacht." Zygan schaute zu ihr und brummte. "Na dann musst du normal laufen, übertreibe doch nicht so aber gut machen wir...
A Night with the Snake
Contains: coiling, squeezing, venom play, cloacal sex, willing oral vore, digestion, and disposal.
The Progeny, The Wheat, The Battle 2
I know it's because you got me high as a kite on that venom of yours, but i don't care. you're giving me a thrill i haven't had in awhile, and because of that, i'm going to let you go right now."
Serpentine Curiosities
The taste of the venom is surprisingly bittersweet, almost like grapefruit. swallowing it isn't the same as having her bite you, of course, yet you feel an immediate effect anyway.
A Worm in a Cave
Tags: m/solo, parasite, wolf, worm, anal, infestation, arousal, need, venom, heat, rut,
The Dragon's Slave: Testing The Merchandise
Continuation of my dragon's slave series in which neera is liberally sampled by a naga....and his venom.
Contrary to chakat physiology, they were immune to toxins and drugs, making them useful to live off the land, but the venom from the skullback spider, found exclusively on this planet, was highly toxic, death instantaneously, a few humans found out