femtorture/milking collab

Even screams of pain were controlled, with the subdermal oral nanite group, song for short controlling the vocal cords. they made it so one could scream for ages and not damage the vocal cords, and also as a bonus, the screams could be modified.

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Starlight Part 4

The mystic reveals that he's always wanted to try vocals, marie gets the booth set up and hands magnum a headset as they enter the booth, the skunkette does some basic vocal pitches and asks magnum to do his best when it comes to the notes.

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Music review - I swear I saw your mouth move by I've made too much pasta

The song has four verses, but no chorus, preferring to use two differently sounding intermissions after every two verses and a lyricless vocal performance. 3.

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Making Tracks (edited version)

It was faint but it was surely vocalizations of some sort.

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Music review - Flood by Boris

Here we have our first vocal performance of the album, sung by takeshi the bassist, with the drummer atsuo providing backing vocals.


Making Tracks (full version)

It was faint, far away, but it was surely vocalizations of some sort.

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Touchpad Technique

The synth murmured, vocal volume turned down as they gave the still-twined tail a squeeze.

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Cub Market One: A Fox's Tale

It contains cub, torture, vocal cord removal, permanent chastity, sex slavery, bondage, surgical modifications, plus other horrible things.

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Cyanide of Riddance chapter 14.

Red continues vocalizing, but it stopped working this time. "guards!" she ordered. "tomorrow, off with their heads!" "no, wait! please!" red urged. "release the queen, vile peasant!" the guard shouted. "bluro! do something!"

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The Institute: Beta Test

"testin', testin' vocals. ah like mah guts big an' mah cocks hard."

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The Golden Option

Their vocals quickly escalated, particularly jostin's, and it wasn't long before precum dribbled from their tips.

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Lupis Culture: Battle Howls

Pitch variance cannot be translated without a baseline; the change in a measurement is useless since every individual lupis produced different vocalizations. a voice identification is often more accurate than facial recognition.

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