White Wings
Her wings tore free with a spray of infected blood, her legs twisted in to hawk's feet, and her hands gnarled up like an old man with arthritis.
Wings of freedom
It was clearer, more vivid than ever; she could see herself having wing, flying in the sky, breaking the bonds with the earth.
Wings of Trial
I fanned my rather large wings out a little bit and half turned to get a better look at them. they were a perfect mix of brown and white on each feather. i was definitely pleased with what i saw.
Little Wing
Little wing, after the hendrix song. every time i hear it, it reminds me of her. it suits her.
Love's Wings
Another remarkable feature was that he had wings, but instead of feathers they were scales.
Clipped Wings
And when the time had come, when the final destination of this ship had been reached, then this heritage of a little farm bird from a planet far away, from a time long ago, would allow your descendants to spread their wings again.
On Dragon's Wings
He felt a fine layer of webbing spreading between them, restricting their range of motion as they ran down the length of his back and formed draconic wings.
The Winged Captive
The winged captive my eyes squeezed shut as the door opened into the dark room where i was being held captive. i blinked several times before i could safely open my eyes and find out who had joined me.
Reclaiming Their Wings
You will give us back our wings with the generations you are going to produce."
Wings of Passion
He flapped the wing once, only light coming off the wing as it circled in front of the drake. learning would take some time but he would do it and he'd do it willingly.
Wing Giver
I am the wing giver, this i live by. if you let me, i will help you fly.
Wings of Fire
"spread your wings!" i twist and find her diving behind me, slightly off to the side, her wings held close. "how?! did you forget that i have never had wings before?!"