Breaking in the Anchor woman
The regular news was covered by lead anchor man and anchor woman, wolfram and renata respectively. their field reporter was wolfram's girlfriend, rochelle.
Woman's Best Friend
The alpha female when you weren't the alpha male.
A wolf and a woman (Poem)
Uh yeah I wrote this a couple years ago, I have no idea what inspired it or where it came from \>\< The wolf once shattered and broken, winds his way through the ancient trees of his forest home, an image of perfection and perfect...
What a woman wants
**I** ached for him all day, and I tried to make him notice. A caress of the buttock here, a stroke down the back there... All marking him for mine later, when we had more time. However, the stresses of the day caused him to be rather immune to my...
Creating the Perfect Woman
A thought came to mind, something darren mentioned when axle discussed his perfect girl.
Hard Luck Woman
"i'm a hard luck woman now, cy." cyrus quietly nodded. "i really am a hard luck woman now." frowned the elderly wolfess. "i used to think when i was a teenager that i was a hard luck woman too... after what had happened to me."
Making An Honest Woman
But it was her name... she was a woman, no! she was a woman. this didn't feel quite right. she stood up, closed her eyes, and said it: "i am a woman."
The Woman of His Dreams
He knew who this woman was, and more importantly he knew why she was here. the sabretoothed feline stopped outside the glassless window and peered inside.
Toys Make the Woman
Toys make the woman by von krieger traci barely made it in the door to her apartment before she virtually ripped off her clothes.
Part one- The woman
The woman asked. this startled him he thought that she had left with the cops.
Tale of the Tall Woman
One girl asked who was wearing a navy blue one piece, she was laying on a deckchair by the poolside. "no idea, it sounded like some kind of animal." another girl responded.
Nareesa - A Woman Owned
_what is a woman?_ the question drifted in nareesa's mind, her mother's voice asking it long ago.