Faltering Reality

The armor that each unit uses is based on the pelennium alloy found on derras 2 the ice planet. this makes it close to indestructible.

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Check out my stories for bucks - penmoore station floated high above an ice planet, the huge construct fully capable of holding and supporting just under a million residence while easily seeing several hundred thousand more in and out of the docks every day

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Free Kicks

"aria's from an ice planet." "well, those are obvious. i'm talking about ... what do we know about each other's interests?" the captain asked. "our hobbies? our joys? our personalities?

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The Love-Bot's Prize

Playing holocards against him was like trying to stop the advancing glaciers of an ice planet - struggle all you want, but sooner or later you'll be crushed.

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Morgan dreamt of hir and lupone being mates, living together on this ice planet...having several litters of cubs..

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 3: Chapter 2

Their headquarters used to be on corneria but a few years ago it was relocated to a large space station in orbit around fichina, which could be best described as an 'ice planet' that is used as a garrison by the conerian military.

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Zero-G Manoeuvres

To add to that, we're in the shadow of this ice planet so our solar panels are useless too. after that we won't have anything left, even for the life support." yin deflated back into the pilot's chair. "we're dead then."

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The Wolf Hunters - Episode 5 - Acts of War

"the one where you're going to be gone a week to that ice planet?" "yeah," i said. "probably not a week. maybe five days. i need an engineer. you'd only go to the site when it's secure, and habitable." "only if jurrukush can go."

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Rare Earth, Common Ground: Oasis of the Stars - Part I

The ice planet that you found me on was my birth planet. all that remains of my home world now is our tribe's memory." images exploded into rowan's mind. the passing of several millennium muted the echo of sadness.

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Tribal heat

"much better, hey you can't blame me, i come from an ice planet, anything that isn't frozen is too hot for me." with one last round of laughter the moment was over and most of the bears went back to their meals.

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Among the Stars Ch. 1

"ok guys, here is our next target, an abandoned mining facility, dug into the side of asteroid orbiting a small ice planet." dawn informed her crew, who were gathered around the large table in the middle of the conference room on the ship.

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