Okron Academy Part 1

Long story short, at about ten i had figured out how to use a pair of sickles properly with my magic, as i had a little experience with them back at the farm i lived at. it was an interesting first day, and i hadn't even met anyone except from kale.

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Stop Holding Back

But anyway, long story short, mom got knocked up by a ghost, city people found out, she got chased out with her baby daddy and she moved into his house in this area.

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The Cold Water Dragonoid Chapter 1

Long story short, our world was in danger and dan and his brawlers had to stop some super scary white dragon guy and save the world. it sure was scary, but what an experience it was! there'd never be anything like it again.

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Kid Icarus Scrapped Chapter 1

Sighing, viridi explained "long story short, anybody reading this story. simple as that, dark pit." seeing the one winged, i mean- black winged angel take off, she watched as he flew out of the fortress, searching for the rocky commander, cragalanche. 

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Ice Cream Shop (Rat TF/TG) [CHARACTER MONTH]

"long story short i like being human!" "be a little adventurous, you'd be able to turn back at some point!" jasmine said. "you could be a rat, a mouse, a gerbil, some other rodent. those are majestic creatures you know, very intelligent.

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Mammal in Space (Otherwise Untitled)

#1 of short stories short story about a skunk on a spaceship. ~ the skunk gripped the empty mug that formerly contained imaging gel tightly between her hands, and barely kept her breathing under control.


AnJ chapter 2: reconciliation

I'm trying to keep my stories short, yet not too focused on detail as they were, so the storyline actually moves apace instead of having to write 13 chapters for few months :p. i'll be writing more now, thank you all my fans (what fans?)

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Diamond in the rough part 4

I ask him to see if he try to calm down, but instead of him doing that, he ask me to meet him outside and long story short, he punch me in the eye.


The past of Jonathan...

And...i don't want to go on get the picture...so after i broke up i was lost, and long story short, i meet you...."jon said with a slight bit of gaiety in his morose voice. nate grabbed jonathans hand and then licked it.

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The best kind of fling.

First story, short one - hope you enjoy. anther day, like most for the avian. some would call it plain, others would call it the most disturbing thing that has ever crossed their minds.. but for the gryphon, it was life.

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the princes of ice and the Prince of Fire

short hut wanted the best for his daughter and wanted vex to marry her, they were meant to be wed in 30 days . 5 days later vex met a girl from an ice village from way up north, her name was tsume sakamea but what vex didn't know was that she was also known

CYOA: Rustwater Chronicles Pt6

So long story short while they slept one night, i snuck out and mixed in an explosive compound with their cars gasoline." setting the vial down, she hugged her arms around her chest and looked him in the eyes and smiled.
