First, Last, And Only Letter

Where all the wonderbolt banners, flags, and tapestries once hung, are ones that proclaim this place shadowbolt headquarters, and academy. "what is going on here?"

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So Awesome!

#2 of mlp fanworks since joining the wonderbolts, rainbow dash is still getting used to the strenuous training routines, not to mention the co-ed locker rooms, even a pegasus as awesome as dash can't take this much stress.

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ADOR Chapter 8: Hope

Overhead i saw the wonderbolts! flying down towards me, holding two buckets of bits. "omigosh ohmigosh! the wonderbolts!" i said, running over to greet them. "if celestia goes out of her way to help you, you are okay on my list kid!"

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First, Last, And Only Letter

Recently, i tried to join the wonderbolts reserves. unfortunately, it was just like everywhere else. there were ponies who took offense to my existence, and even though i graduated, and am friends with both wonderbolt captains, i never fly with them.


Born For Loyalty Chapter 7

She graduated from school a few weeks ago and was now waiting for a reply from she hoped to be a potential job till the wonderbolts. hopefully she will also see an old friend again. dash went into a dive and gained speed.

Born For Loyalty Chapter 3

Only the wonderbolts can decisively beat me repeatedly. let's get some lunch." firefly noticed her hubby closing in. "and since blitz here is dead last, he gets to pay."

Moonlight's Gift

the wonderbolt once more paused. he leaned down over his lover, his mate. moving his front legs from where they gripped those super-sexy curved flanks, he brought them up to around the mare's chest.

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Ingress: Vacation 5

"the wonderbolts are pretty casual about sex. why, just last week, soarin cornered me in the shower after practice. it was pretty hot..." spitfire drifted off for a moment, licking her lips.

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Soarin' Through the Clouds

Soarin', one of the wonderbolts, had challenged her to a friendly race, and she had won! unfortunately, she had also ended up crashing into a cliff side, which made her victory bittersweet at best.

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Transformation Story: Soarin Outta The Box

It wasn't like any of the things back home, and not like what any of the wonderbolts had for sleeping quarters. dismissing it, he took to the skies.

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