Dragon's Paw
Dragon's Paw By: Lapsa For: Sakubi and Sorez "Come forth demon of lust and desire, I summon you - Sakubi!" The drunken fox finished up the incantation with a giggle, dramatically holding the book out in front of him. The grin on his face...
Writing prompt this week is: write about a character with an addiction to something. it can't be drugs or alcohol. bonus points if it's not sex. (there are no actual points) comments and critiques are accepted. everything was just the way i liked.
The boards of self deception so struggle free will struggle tumbling down like dominoes piece by piece hanging on by a thread of rope so close to falling will i be alive tomorrow cause it's time to break these chains down push away from the past addictions
6. Break Away (100 Theme Challenge)
This is one such case, as i will be getting a little more real with you.i'm sure many of you have people, places, struggles, or addiction in your lives that are toxic for you. they don't help you in anyway, even if you may think they do.
[http://www.furaffinity.net/user/deltacoon/](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/deltacoon/) [https://deltacoon.sofurry.com/](https://deltacoon.sofurry.com/) * * * Have you ever eaten so much it kinda hurts to breathe? He would ask it over a drink....
A new wolf on campus
Alrighty then: my name is addicting decadence though as most from furry pile call me a.d. i am a novella role-player and i am very inteligent when i want to be i can also be a tad lazy so be prepared if you have a..."
EXTREMELY dirty socks, & the filth addicted catboy...
Extremely dirty socks, & the filth addicted catboy... as the catboy sat on his knees, with a slave collar around his neck, & a cock ring on his sheath.
The Swamp
Jeram did not like the swamp. Travelling around in heavy armor was bad enough; while he'd grown used to the physical labour over time, he would never enjoy the feeling of sweat pouring down his back. It didn't help that the weather had been hot...
Pure hell
To avoid life's struggles you decided to get a taste of addiction. and you liked it. "trying can't hurt" you said. "i won't do it again" before you know it you fell into a hole deeper than you ever imagined.
How the Bouncer Entertains Himself 13
Tags: m/m, voyeurism, exhibitionism, slave, addict, bear, lion, komodo dragon, vulture, addiction, body control, orgasm, forced orgasm, drug, aphrodisiac, revenge, face fucking, oral, facefucking, sensitive, series,
Soon after the tendril in his mouth would pull away, leaving a now goopy purple tonue behind to trail after it, hoping and longing for a few more mouthfuls of the addictive purple sap that now filled him completely, replacing his former fleshy form with something
Breeding the Musk-Addict
Your cock twitched in your briefs as the fox's snout worked over your crotch. He huffed and his eyes flittered and watered as he became even more closely acquainted with your musky, unwashed groin. A day's worth of stale sweat and piss was flooding...