Trish and Robert - ch3
Something new my furred, scaled, slimy and other friends, this is a story that started as a bit of TF roleplay and, before we knew it, had blown out to an epic story. It is co-authored, in alternating chapters, each will be submitted by the authors...
Trish and Robert - ch1
Something new my furred, scaled, slimy and other friends, this is a story that started as a bit of TF roleplay and, before we knew it, had blown out to an epic story. At the moment it is looking to be co-authored, in alternating chapters, each will be...
The Hunter
Things are a little rough in this one, I explore the gruesome twosome a little (from their previous deeds you should understand they are not 'nice' but their respect can be earnt). I have listed it as M/M despite it ending more M/Herm as the demon...
Judging a Book
Hold on to something, thirteen pages of story, sex and sodomy mixed together for your enjoyment. * * * "And so I would like to hire you Doctor Frizard, I have a large private library of tomes and need them put in order and categorised." the woman in...
Wasteland Saviour - The Becoming - ch4
Finally agreed on the list, just as Fox had written it, we made to leave only to be stopped by an old man wearing some kind of toga. Fox laughed and stepped forward, gripping forearms with him while my mouth gaped a little, "He... he is not......
Wasteland Saviour - Divine Union - ch3
"... and that's all I can remember." I told the people surrounding me at their 'debriefing'. "Quite an amazing story Kitten." the one called Crystal said, "I am glad you and... uh, your Mother could get these people out safely, I dread to...
Smouldering Embers
Well, its not exactly mindless yiff, but still, bring on the plants! Oh, and while I understand some might QQ over this not being marked bestiality, Flinta's brother can talk, so that raises him at least to 'non anthro' in my books. Enjoy! * *...
Living Inferno
Cried when I wrote this, it was worse when I dreamt it. * * * The girl in front of me wiggled a bit, it didn't phase me, I could build this picture of her now without her even there, but she was extremely easy on the eyes. "Ok Phillip, I...
Wasteland Saviour - Rebirth - ch2
I said I would, and I always try and deliver. On with the show! * * * As the days and weeks progressed, I found myself reaching again and again for those instincts, the world had taken on some truly nightmarish qualities, beasts almost beyond...
Zoo Keeper - ch12 - Establishing Self
Quick heads up, I haven't really gone into too much about it in the past, but astute readers will have noticed for a long time David still refered to as 'him', this was because up until a point, 'he' still thought of himself as a male trapped in the...
Wasteland Saviour - Flight - ch1
I got to her house faster than I thought, my legs were warmed by the run, but the speed I had moved should have left them burning. Maybe this wasn't quite so bad after all. I checked the front door, it was locked but after quickly checking a...
New Employment Opportunities
Well, we are back again, more work involving His greatness, the Lord of the Pit. * * * I was out jogging, another day of trying to find work behind me, I was almost to the end of the street and ready to turn back when movement in the corner of my eye...