It's a bit complicated

**It' s a bit complicated...** a little romp in 12 scenes... Prologue He sits at the bar of a nice diner somewhere on the Pacific coast. He slowly stirs his mokka while looking the waitress up and down. „You like what you see?" She asks,...

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How I got Damned - Sarabis Tale

**How I got damned** **Sarabis tale** **Prologue** Sarabi stood on one of the fallen pillars in the main courtyard of the Harem surrounded by the other lionesses of the Harem. Her posture showed pride and greatness. Her voice was filled with...

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How I got Damned - Ushis Tale part two

**How I got damned** **Ushis Tale part two** **Birth Pains** "Uuuuaaaaarrrrggghhh!" The roar resounded through Adramalech's Harem. A moment of silence followed. Then another roar. "Aaaaaarrrggghhh!" The roar, tinged with pain, anger, and...

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How I got Damned - Differing Tastes

**How I got damned** **Differing tastes...** **Finding Friends** While venturing through the Harem of her new master Evana came across a rather strange looking Lioness. She was clearly a lion, but she was different in so many ways. Her number...

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How I got Damned - Gone with the Wind

**How I got damned** **Gone with the Wind...** **Whispers in the wind** Adramalech sat on a collumn made of onyx. It was almost 900ft tall. He could oversee all of „his" Harem from here. There were over a hundred lionesses by now. And some other...

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How I got Damned - Ushis Tale part one

**How I got Damned** **Ushis Tale** **Prologue** His scream could be heard far across the plains of hell. A long drawn-out howl followed by a shrill screech that finally broke off abruptly. When the echo had died away and the dust had settled,...

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How I got Damned - Evanas Tale

**How I got Damned** **Evanas Tale** **Preamble** For Milenia the Savanah is a place of mystery. There are thing and beings out there on the plains, that no sane mind is able to comprehend. In the Savanah, the lion-folk tell the age old tale of...

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**Hello fellow denisens of the void,** [**White Dragon**]( kindly asked me to upload the stories we wrote together also here on ****. Of course I want to comply with this request and present you...

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The Price we Pay

**The Price we pay** **Prologue:** When she opened her eyes, everything was white. It wasn't so much that it blinded her, it was just all white. She saw no contours, no walls, no ceiling. Nothing. She felt the floor beneath her and she could see...

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In the end, everyone dies alone

**In the end,** **everyone dies alone** **Prologue** In the space between the stars, in the eternal darkness and emptiness of open space, no sound is ever heard. It is the ultimate silence. And when you send a signal through space, there is...

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No Refund!

**No Refund!** **Prologue:** In an era in which a human life is not worth particularly much, in which it can make sense to sell one's own body in order to survive, in such an era the business of slave traders flourishes. Merchants of life,...

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For the Greater Good

**For the greater good** **Prologue:** It had been almost 60 years since the great war between the carnivores and the herbivores had ended. The carnivores had won the war. To be more precise, the tigers had won the war. After it became clear that...

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