Pride Bay. Chapter Five.

Pride Bay Chapter Five By Roofles "Dude! What. Do you mean? You haven't done it!" The tiger on the other line huffed each word trying to hold back his temper. "Well it's just been so've been distracted. Is all." Marty tried to...

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The Simple Things. Chapter Three.

The Simple Things Chapter Three By Roofles "The Hilton Hotel? Isn't that a bit ritzy?" Richard asked leaning out the window, tongue out and looking up at the high skyscraper. He had been like that the whole car ride. I had been afraid to getting...

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The Simple Things. Chapter Two.

The Simple Things Chapter Two By Roofles The lights of the office had all but winked out as the clock clicked Eight. It was both later and earlier than I had thought it was going to be as I stuffed the last folder into one of the side filing...

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The Simple Things. Chapter One.

The Simple Things Chapter One By Roofles "Ah," the large lion voice boomed from the other side of the massive polished cherry wood business table. The room they were in was large with high walls, one side was taken up by a vast set of windows over...

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Twenty-Two.

A Bump in the Road Chapter Twenty-Two By Roofles A stream of warm sunlight cut through, between the curtains, and sliced down over my body with it's morning warmth. It was nice. Having an actual nights rest. Days had gone by, or it felt like it,...

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Twenty-One.

A Bump in the Road Chapter Twenty-One By Roofles The dragon turtle didn't rise out of the water. Instead it just lifted it's head to look at the peculiar creatures that stumbled in front of it. It didn't even seem to remember me as it's focus turned...

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Twenty.

A Bump in the Road Chapter Twenty By Roofles Not even before we had gone out the door Tezca took the wheel and "drove" us after the wild dog. Lewis had grabbed some things, mainly a gnarled wooden staff with a canines skull on the end of it (once...

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Nineteen.

A Bump in the Raod Chapter Nineteen By Roofles When I woke up. I screamed. Not because of the sharp pain in my chest or side or the fact I was butt naked (I was naked more often in the past few days than I had been in my life, I swear...). But I...

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Eighteen.

A Bump in the Road Chapter Eighteen By Roofles Everyone seems to have their own concept of death. Clouds and heavenly golden gates or firey brimstone and rivers of boiling blood. Some believe your reincarnated as something based on your karma. Or...

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Seventeen.

A Bump in the Road Chapter Seventeen By Roofles "Room service?" I squeaked as the door flung open and I found myself standing exposed in it. I almost covered myself as if someone had wallked in on me in the restroom. Yue Ling lifted an eyebrow and...

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Sixteen.

A Bump in the Road Chapter Sixteen By Roofles "Hey wait!" I called after the canine who was frantically trying to run away. It seemed to be harder than it should've been each head trying to go in it's own direction and because of that he kept...

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Fifteen.

A Bump in the Road Chapter Fifteen By Roofles "Enough." Tezca snapped as I poked at his belly with my foot once more. His eye was twitching and he was evidently putting a great effort into not biting my foot off. "Your friend is fine. Spirits have...

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