Chapter 6
"without you bounty hunters to hold the line, we wouldn't have had a chance to pull our troops and trade out the soldiers in the front with fresh ones from the back.
Chapter 5
While the bounty hunters could put up a good fight against the dravern forces, they couldn't do it forever, and the dravern had plenty of fresh troops. bounty hunters we're dropping around her in droves, falling under the unending onslaught.
Chapter 3
She said, and continued on towards the harbor. /////////////////////////////////// they found a ferry with a couple other bounty hunters to carry them across the lake.
White weasel
As the red sun slowly sank down to the horizon, the diamyo rabbit could only stare into the dimming light from where he knelt on a hill-top. His hands clasped in front of him, his back straight, tears slowly rolling down his face. Below, outlined by...
Chapter 4
She narrowed her eyes, curious, before the smoke started to fall on the archers and bounty hunters standing atop the wall. "they wiped out an entire section of the wall with arrows," a bounty hunter to her left said.
Chapter 1
She wasn't sure what to think when she saw the request hanging on the bounty board. disbelief? confusion? fear? it definitely wasn't there yesterday evening, and new bounties weren't supposed to be posted for another hour.
Divine Bounty 1
Please, enjoy the bounty that my goddess has provided." she lifts it up high, examining the pendant from various different angles, until she finds herself satisfied and lowers it over her head.
A Bounty Too Far
His powerful thrusts shook gondar's entire body, rubbing the bounty hunter's fur into the dirt of the forest floor beneath him.
The bounty collecting cowboy.
Sekotta, or Seko as he liked to be called, dismounted in front of the Gold Strike Saloon. Brushing some of the trail dust away, he tied his horse off at the hitching rail, then began looking at the other horses that were there, lifting the left hind...
A Bountiful Bet 2
#2 of a bountiful bet havok continues to go through a growth wringer, but...does he even see what's happening to him? or is this just 'normal'?
A Bountiful Bet 1
#1 of a bountiful bet havok, a dragon in draconicon's harem, has a little bit of fun with engy, another dragon friend, and they make a bet between them.
Bounty - Ride of their Deaths
- failure to pay a completed bounty will result in a bounty being posted by the d-gen staff on you! (we also have a very good 'asset recovery' team, if you catch our drift) - multiple hunters may try and go after the same bounty, but try not to.