Hot Dog (2004)

Moving the burgers about, jason fumbled to get a paper plate that lay behind him and pulled one out of the packet. slipping the burgers onto the plate he turned around to see sam coming back out of the door and placed the burgers onto the table.

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Adipose City: Turf Wars

To the "big grub steakhouse," one of burger world's western-themed steakhouses.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Thirty Nine

"m- my dad thinks i'm dead," she mumbled, hiding behind her cheeseburger. "my mom does too. you should be happy you still have yours." _dang,_ i thought, setting my burger down.

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The Adipose-Munich Run Part One

burger world, burger world, burger world... "oh bloody hell, nothing but burger world, chick-e-ton, and cosmo-buffet. probably not a single slug's or soup de jour for miles..." the hungry road hog snorted.

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Business Manager in a Barn Chapter 13

Feeling his belly rumble and, following a hunch he walked down the road to a burger restaurant. burgers were not really his favorite food in the world.

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Clueless ch14: Family’s Great, Except When It’s Not

Most of us were halfway done with our burgers at this point, except ann, who was eating her burger with a fork and knife, slow as always with food that might stain her frilly-goth clothes.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Forty One

I finished my burger before he did, and then just sat there, watching him. i still couldn't shake my unease around him, but seeing him like this, pigging out on a hamburger and fries, he didn't look quite so threatening.

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The Adipose-Munich Run Part Two

Sitting alone in a small burger world eatery with a triple bacon-cheeseburger for company, jennifer moore stared at the half-eaten burger in her hands.

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Mistaken Identity

Tiffany husked the burgers from their wrappers in a single gesture, then lifted the plastic platter to her snout.

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Job Seminar 6 (Eating like Pigs)

Debra had a couple of burgers in front of her. she had thought about what exactly the burgers were made out of but didn't stop to check. she was a big woman and was quite hungry.

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Adipose City: Two Birds, One Stone

burger world was clearly the real winner of that skirmish.

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