Fun with Science

Principal Richard Gleason roamed the hallways of P.S. 34 like he owned the place. With his chest puffed out, the students who were bustling and struggling to get to their classes before the bell rang all pressed to the sides of the lockers, sure that...

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Heavy Lifting

_Meathead's_ had opened eight years ago. Amidst the sea of "casual gyms" that had sprouted up in the last decade or so, it stood as a testament to old school style; with floor to ceiling mirrors lining almost every wall, posters of professional...

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A hot shower... It was the lack of simple things in life that killed you, the little things one didn't notice until they were gone. Iza always missed hot showers. When he was on a ship, the Chieftain would usually let him use his personal shower,...

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One Death

**(A part of the MLA franchise)** My hand shakes when I move to knock on the door. I flex my fingers and return my hand to my side, taking a moment to think. What's that old saying? "One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic." It's used to...

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Hush could hear the deep, throaty grunt as the executioner lifted the heavy axe over his head. He had been snapped up by an overenthusiastic sheriff and thrown into the back of a wagon, because apparently it was a crime to have red scales in this part...

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Harvesting planets is not as easy as it sounds. The saurian had learned that the hard way. After going through all the trouble of cleansing the planet of native fauna and flora, it was all too often discovered the planet was not capable of sustaining...

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Anna waited for Bach to return, as she did every weekday afternoon. On a normal day, nineteen minutes after five o'clock, the door knob would turn. Exactly nine seconds later, Bach would take his first step into the room. She always heard him long...

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The Best View in the House

**_The Best View in the House_** "The view from the top is exquisite," Pliio often said, and he was most certainly at the top. After only three years of business, _MI69_ had established itself as a fixture in Queen City's nightlife. A twelve hundred...

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Greatest Expectations

**_Greatest Expectations_** Future generations would say it started with a flash and ripple through the sky, as if God himself punched the earth. Perhaps that was not far from the truth. A god had set his sights on the little sphere, third from the...

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Just Another Job

**_(Taking place in the MLA series)_** **_Just Another Job_** The fence was a bit higher than Ty's ears (it was eight feet to be precise), and made from a durable, weather resistant metal. Hundreds of vertical bars had been driven into the ground at...

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First Time

_(Sequel to A Simple Phone Call, Opposing Force, etc.)_ **_First Time_** Nine had given up. There were no struggles, no clawing, no sobs or cries as he made his journey down the warm embrace of throat muscles. They worked with perfect efficiency:...

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**_Avians_** "So they can't see us?" Carpo asked. He was slightly taller, and slightly bulkier than his companion, but not by much. Of course, compared to ocean of humanity that flooded the street he stood on, he was monolithic in size. Brown fur...

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