In Service to her Owner
She still hadn't opened her eyes when the horse reached the back of her mouth, and her gag reflex almost made her spit the cock out. as she was reflexively pulling back, she felt a large hand on the back of her head, stopping her from pulling away.
A Leopard's Tail Ch 4
Karen quickly began poking him in various places to determine his reactions, testing his reflexes with a small rubber mallet she drew out of her pocket.
Iniquitous Depravity
Cadance tensed up, her back arching and wings fluttering on reflex, stiffening and quivering repeatedly.
Dance After Dance (necro, snuff, cub)
Mark's pink feet stretching down quickly in reflex to stay to the ground as he made a weird, whimpery gurgle when the rope dug into his throat.
Boss Rush [Commission]
And then it just made sense, so clearly that he couldn't believe he hadn't thought of it before, so simple that it already felt like reflex.
Ménage à Trois
Berry punch mastered her gag reflex after a few moments, but was unable to halt the reflexive swallows.
To the Victors Go the Spoils!
But before she could pull him towards her muzzle, he thrust on reflex, sinking every inch of his eager cock into her mouth.
Klo's Pervy Dungeon #1: +3 Latex Panties of Orgasm
The pleasure caused by the panties is intensified, doubling all of the penalties (-8 to reflex, -4 to ac, -8 to concentration, -8 to any skill that uses dex).
LnL: Submissive Musk
My reflexes get a reaction out of leo as i detect more pumping. very hard pumping... i swear he can't fuck any harder than this. also, without warning, he chokes me again with his large biceps.
A Walk In The Park
Further, she could actually increase her own body temperature to quite extreme ranges at a mere thought or by reflex. she used this as a defense mechanism when traversing the undergrowth.
Hearth Warming's Eve
He cried in warning, the hoof grasping around her horn again on reflex.
Anthro Sex Squad Story 1 - Vibra's Story; Chapter 6
With reflexes too swift to be believed he had already prepared his magicks and when the diving roc-woman was but a breath from striking him, he made a swift and almost mocking gesture.