Uploaded, a Hc Svnt Dracones fanfic

Which kind of makes me think that one of the "soft" sci-fi elements of the universe is dualism, which would make digitrans and body replacement surgery some form of guided reincarnation.

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Into the Unknown-Chapter 6

Just need those replacements and anything that needs to be shipped to us or replaced and we should be good to go. do you have any idea of what our first mission will be?" "your guess is as good as anyones, commander.


Expending The Flesh

He could have sworn he felt his muscles being eaten away and replaced by the microscopic machines. the weird thing was that as his heart and blood vessels and muscles were replaced, he lost the sensation of feeling them.

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Working Hard

With a little sigh, it was on to stage two: cataloguing damage and replacing parts.

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Horizon: Rebuilt Chapter 4

"the curators replaced them with fresh plates." _and?_ horizon was starting to wonder if she'd ever get to the point.

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Nothing would remain after a while, nothing but that voice, and the wolf's will replacing his own.

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We have to replace them," "well technically, they're not behind standard yet. according to law, we don't have to replace them if they're under a year old." i folded my arms and leaned on the walls.

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Farm Maid

He replaced the dirty water in the horse troff and picked up the milk containers, and turned out the light. he polished the walls for good luck, and replaced the old hay with new hay just like the last visitor. he turned out the light. "baaaaah!"

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A beautiful world, prologue part 1/2

Low self esteem and fear would be replaced with courage and a filling feeling of inspiration.


The Dragon Transformation (part 1)

The skin fell off and was replaced with bright orange scales. his fingernails quickly jumped off his skin, and they were quickly replaced with pitch-black claws. then, his arms' structure changed.


zen (teaser chapter)

Muscle that decays into harmless waste that is replace by natural muscles, the waste is remove through defecation and urination."