The Beginning: B.E.U.W's Birth

It was very serpent like, what you might imagine a smoker's voice, combined with a cliché' spy's voice might. "you made me to kill. to destroy....and yet i am in pain. so much pain. i feel as if i am being ripped ask for forgiveness?

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The other side of the fence

He seemed like the type to really hate smokers. you don't even smoke that's the fucked up part, you just really like red, yellow, green, and black.

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Smoke and Ashes

smoker's luck. it's matt. i've been expecting him. i meet him at the door, glad not to be staggering overly much. "you ready?" he asks.

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Rainy Day

"my father was a smoker. that's what did it to him. me, mom, my sister... we knew that was how he was gonna leave us; a cigarette in his hand. we begged him to quit, to think of us, the family he'd leave behind. well, mostly mom.

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Perry: Tongue-in-Cheek

Well, at least he wasn't a chain smoker or alcoholic, right? his cock suddenly twitched in his grip, sending another spasm of pleasure through him. forcing himself to focus, the spotted male resumed pumping, feeling himself grow nearer to release.

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"Raddlepated," Will of the Alpha 2 Teaser

Since the witch-hunt on smokers, the ram had kept his stock in a special flask, absent those awful stickers that remonstrated against the dreaded dangers.

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TCN Interview, Robert Orr

Do you have a pet peeve: smokers. i can't stand them. i'm all for people who want to destroy their lungs, but they need to keep it to their homes and not make me a victim of their addiction.


The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter7

I made the poor choice of putting a cigarette to my lips sometime before my fifteenth birthday and became a card-carrying chain smoker, so the marathon running went precisely as badly as it possibly could have.

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Far North

This was evidenced by the hunks of freshly killed moose meat that he carefully arranged in his outdoor smoker. that alone should be able to get him through most of the winter, he figured.

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Shells 00-01 - Hatchday Party at The Ranch

He peeled away from ceylon and immediately made his way towards ilorek and the smoker. and at least for now, that was it for their conversation!

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Manic's Repayment 1

Natural born cock smoker this one. even if he didn't know it yet." shadow does most of the work, thrusting his hips into manic's mouth. manic does what he can.

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Rainy Day

"my father was a smoker. that's what did it to him. me, mom, my sister... we knew that was how he was gonna leave us; a cigarette in his hand. we begged him to quit, to think of us, the family he'd leave behind.

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