Receiving Gifts

He was saving her for something special, and wasn't ready to give her the snuffing she so desperately wanted.

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The Last Goodbye

The dragon growled softly, snuffing at her hair. an instant before he did it, kailee realized what ransi was going to do.

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Mother's Revenge

This was written after i saw many stories, pictures and such about cub's being cubnapped, raped, snuffed and other such nastyness... and yes i did read them and enjoy them.

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The Snuffer Tale VI

I paid to your secretary to film you snuffing me." brent chuckled a but and agreed to wait. "it has been a while since someone asked to be filmed. i know there there's a black market for copies of snuff films.

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Richard the Bat

Richard jumped when the siren went off on the door signaling that the snuffing process was complete.


Good Boy

Despite himself saxon was not too eager to disturb her, he snuffed at her chest and was startled when his warm breath caused a nipple to rise.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 4-To New Beginings

I snuffed angrily and shoved my handgun back into it's holster. the doctor looked relived that one of us wasn't going to kill him, and it only made me angrier.

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The Rush

snuffing happily, jack touched noses with her and scrabbled at the snow to make room for his bulk, settling down against her warm, furry body once that was done.

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Stress Relief [By Wolf O'Donnel]

More of the titan would follow and it would be too late for many in the centre of the city as the paw came crashing down on top of them, snuffing out everyone caught underneath.

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Lunchtime at the Office

They have to be somewhat discreet with their snuffing, but are otherwise given complete freedom. enjoy! my friend's f-list: lunchtime in the office.

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The Snuffer tale III

Some snuffers decided to be snuffed themselves, others found other jobs and there are those who give up because they lack the stomach to handle this job.

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A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 5-First Turn

"sand,sand more sand and some more fucking sand",hudson snuffed,red in the face from the heat. "were in the middle of the afghan desert",i replied sarcastically,"did ya expect roses?" "can it john",hudson snuffed,"let's get this traitor."

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