Pregnant with Tentacles [COMMISSION]
The key ingredient to this potion was a special kind of parasite, which looked like a blob of goo, with octopus like tentacles growing out of it.
Riko and the Tentacle Lab
Was covered in smaller tentacles and bumps.
A Lesson Taught By Tentacles
That would just be wasteful," he claimed, unbuttoning them before the fangs of another tentacle could sink into the gaps in his denim. "i'm sure there are better things for your tentacles to be doing, anyway."
Toothless's Tentacle Torture
Mike said, the tentacles suddenly tightening, and the ball of tentacles hovering below toothless's sack.
Kaden's Tentacle Experience.
I barely had any time to look at my new surroundings when multiple tentacles lunged at me like hungry snakes. i whimpered when the first tentacle to catch me was one crackling with electricity.
Eleven Tentacles Coils
"so do all of these tentacles have names or something, or are they just all called bal'kar tentacles?
Taladar's Teasing Tentacles
It contains m/m sex between multiple consenting adults, magic use, tentacle based lewdness in abundance, and orgasm denial! :3 **taladar's teasing tentacles** "holy shit, i did it!"
The Dragon and the Tentacle Monster
#1 of the dragon and the tentacle monster well here it is i know i shouldn't but what the hell i need to know if this entices you... i hope you enjoy the introduction to this original novel of mine i'd like to post as i write...
A Fox's Tentacle Husband
'bride....likes this....' it thought while moving the tentacle in and out faster. "hahh...hahhh..." he couldn't keep himself from panting as he felt his anal muscles massaged by the tentacle and felt his cock throbbing in the other tentacle.
Tentacle Monster Problems
I did so, but kept tentacles lodged in her pussy. she started stroking herself madly as her prick extended further and further into her grip. layla hissed in pleasure as i started stroking her emerging ridged dragon shaft with a coiled tentacle.
Taken and Milked by Tentacles
Yet the tentacle monster had her wrists grasped quite firmly in his tentacles, curling around her flesh, leaving her belly to grow more and more with a sort of pregnancy. out and out and out...
Confessions of a Tentacle Monster
Guest appearance by an unnamed blonde cheetah that belongs to coyotek confessions of a tentacle monster hi, tentacle monster here. i'm a trans-dimensional being.