Cost of Love 5: New Day, New Life
Disclaimer: This story series will contain homosexual nature in it. If you are not into that "stuff" or are not over the age of 18, then I suggest that you hit the back button. If you wish to continue, as I hope you do, then please read, rate, and...
After Dark - Preview of Chapter 3 - New Day Tomorrow.
After Dark, Chapter 3 preview - "New Day Tomorrow." [Read at your own bloody risk. Rated R18+ and contains gay diapered furries fucking.] [This is a preview. More coming soon!] \*\*\* caspar~:$ encryptablog EncryptaBlog VidBlog Version 3.8...
The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 7: New day
Chapter 7 - New day "Fine" Sparx said defeated and flew other side of hideout. They remained in that position for hours. Sun where setting below horizon but Spyro and Cynder still hugged eachother, in the very same position as when...
Kingdom Digimon-Chapter 2: An Old Friend and A New Day
Sorry for the long delay, again. I just found a way I can type without being bothered. I promise that I'll get it together and get moving faster on this. Now without further ado. On with the show. ...
Part 1 A new school, a new day, and what MORE CLASSES !?
\*SLAM\* I shut my locker and my grabbed my books and walked up to my classroom. My teacher was an uptight Penguin, who used very descriptive english. Oh your probobly wondering, " who is this guy and why is he writing this ? Well, Im a wolf who is 14...
After Dark, Part 1, Chapter 3: "New Day Tomorrow"
After Dark, Chapter 3 "New Day Tomorrow." [Read at your own bloody risk. Rated R18+ and contains **gay diapered furries fucking**. If you shouldn't read it by law, don't. If you don't want to read such material, RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!] [...still with...
book: fear of my insanity, chapter one: a new day of old dreams.
her bright blue eyes suddenly open to a small sliver of light shining in through a small hole in her tent left be the not fully closed zipper, she lifted her self up and began pushing her way out of the sleeping bag she noticed something, "Dam it,...
In Darkness I Hide: A Zootopia Story - Epilogue: Burning Bright - A New Day
_Savannah Central - Snarlbucks - On the Corner of Screech Ave. and Pride St._ _Friday - 06:15 PM - Few Clouds / Mostly Sunny_ _ _ _"Absolutely not!" They both cried in unison._ _Murana hadn't even taken her first sip of her white chocolate,...
Walk With Me, Not So Close -- Introduction: A New Day Brings New Disappointment. Always.
**introduction: a new day brings new disappointment. always.** **reidan** i exit my dad's car, feeling almost elated. today is the first day of junior year, and i intend to start it off on the right paw.
Heart's Awkening
Chorus: a new day is beginning, it's time for a fresh start. my soul is renewing, i'm awakening my heart. you'll always be near me and i'll always be near you. and forever to each other we will ever be true.
Find the love
It is a new day, it is a new world, it is a new generation to spread the love. please, lets find that trail we have stepped away from. walk along my side as brothers, sisters, family and friends. thank you for reading.
Clown Mare 4-1
"a new day to hate life. how could it be possible? the life i live in now is decent but my talent was to be a clown. i never got to the full extent of my cutie mark and the meaning behind it. if only i could understand why.