Anonoholes Night Club

Vince's friends all blushed when they saw the woman entering their friend's booth, the black lab at least twice their age, in her late twenties, a fully matured beauty.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Five

A large purple bruise had begun to show on the pink of my tummy when the black lab made an appearance in my refuge. he stepped in quietly for such a heavy fellow. at first, i was frightened.

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Ways of Living 2

The black lab flashed me a smile. "it's fine. dude. i've only been knocking for a few seconds." i sighed. "good. well, come on in." i stepped back and the lab walked past me. after shutting the door, we both walked to the living room.

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Chapter two: Pitfalls

I watched the black lab munch on her food. star is a black lab, about 5 foot 5 inches. long and slender, you could tell just by looking at her she was built to run.

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Love under the Stars

The black lab saw him, and averted his attention. damien and i walked down the road quickly and turned down another alleyway. this alley was peaceful, and had only a single streetlight.

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Midnight Tower - The Attitude Adjuster

The black lab asked. "as sure as sugar, sweetie pie" the squirrel replied, giving the dog a warm, motherly smile. saying nothing more the black lab darted off to the double doors at the front of the nursery.

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Ward 16: Advantages

Only jeff knew that he knew about the heat suppressant, and when pete explained what happened, he was sure the black lab wouldn't tell. taking a big gulp, he jumped onto her back as she _whined_for him.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 21: Unsteady

"it was terrible," a pretty, teenage black lab trembled out. she looked shaken. "whatever the fox did, it wasn't enough!" a yellow lab sitting next to the black lab, probably her boyfriend, growled. "james died!

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Staff Discount

Alex's tail went flap flap flap over his enviously firm butt cheeks and only added to the manic impression the black lab gave.

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The Prince's new shadow ch.2

The black lab balanced his tray and carried down the dark cobble stone hallway towards the entrance to the court yard. he squinted his eyes as the afternoon sun radiated down on him.

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Hip Envy

A quick sniff and a careful press of the only closed stall door revealed a passed out heavyset black lab slumped on the toilet.

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Edward was a black lab and was walking home from high school with his cousin heather. a black lab just like him, but she liked to tell everyone her father was a wolf.

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