Seekers: Chapter Twenty-One: The Assault
Location: Wastelands, The Cradle Closest City: Falsetto. Time: 22:45pm. Year: 2180, March 14th. We were both sat opposite each other in The Cradle's small living room. We both stayed silent; I was trying to come up with a plan, what we were...
The Cat and the Wolf's Shadow
The train was taking a long time; it was to dark out to see on the street to walk. My office wasn't exactly in the best part of the city, and working overtime to pay off the car repairs wasn't a good idea if this is what I have to do. The eeriness of...
A dead ending.
I stayed where I was whimpering from what happened. I still couldn't believe what I said. I was dumb and careless. I only heard the sounds of my whimpering and the winds of the snow. I got up from hearing some noises of a bear coming. I wasn't going to...
The Pack
I walked back starting to see snow flakes coming back down again. I looked up and stare at the sky a moment and sniff the air. My ears twitched as I heard more rustling around me but I ignored it and kept walking. I decided to go back to my pack again...
Wolfsleiden - Teil 1: Letzte Ankunft
Wolfsleiden - Teil 1: Letzte Ankunft Es ist Freitag Morgen. Die Sonne erhebt sich gerade über die nahegelegenen Hügel und taucht die Staßen des keinen Städtchens in ein warmes gold. Auf der Staße bewegt sich ein Audi entlang, dicht...
Love is Only Love
Would express my affections and this is a gift to one of the most beloved wolves i've ever met: tristan black wolf here's the music for those who want to hear the song:
Seeker Origins: Chapter Six
My mind started to itch with excitement and interest as viggo and i walked through the club and up to the black wolf in the far side of the club, with one certain thought running through my head... i didn't even know viggo had a sister...
Deep Magic Remake
After a few quick growls in what stella could only assume was the lycerian language, the black wolf walked away, and the brown wolf made his way to stella.
Blood Red: Chapter Five: Blood Red
From just his build, i could clearly see that he was a black wolf, just barely in his twenties, but still able to hold his own.
Seekers: Chapter Twenty-Three: The End
The black wolf barked at her. if i wasn't tied up i would have killed him for that comment. unfortunately i was in no position to kill anyone. joseph pulled the steering pole up, but nothing happened. he turned to elise and walked up to her.
Seekers: Chapter Six: The Great Hunt
Location: New Vega, South-East Section, Abandoned Rover Factory. Time: 14:20pm. Year: 2180, March 7th. There were eight people in the room; me, Elise, four Red Foxes, one Red Dragon, and a short but bulky diving suit. We all stood on separate sides...
Shadows Back
He turned around to see a large red eyed black wolf standing right in front of him. "hello silver." the black wolf said. silver jumped back and took a better look at the black wolf seeing a mark he knew. "sh...shadow?"