
**_This started out as a short story. Here is its continuation, You know the part where it gets yiffy?_** **_There was one big thing I have never seen on this site in none of the stories. A donkey punch yiff story. So ima make...

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What are friends for?

"You have no new matches." Story of my life, I thought as I brushed the touch-sensitive bezels of my twin monitors; the harsh glare casting my muzzle into shadow giving way to the softer, muted pool of light from my desk lamp. Reaching down to turn the...

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Warning Do not read if under 18 Etc. Something i did in my spare time .whatever.

I embraced the human and dragged her closer to my chest. I had completed the transformation and i was fullly Dragon now. I was glad. I stripped her silly clothes from her and grasped her by her hips and put down on the ground. I followed and put my...

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The Wolves In Me -Part 1-

I sat back against the back of my cell in the farthest corner from the door I could find. It wouldn't help me, I knew it all too well, but there was nothing more I could do. It had been roughly four weeks since my friends and I found ourselves...

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Rare Earth, Common Ground: Oasis of the Stars - Part I

It's been a year since we first met Karth and Rowan in _First Contact_. It's time I fix that. In the immortal words of the SCII trailer: "Hell, it's about time!" _Rare Earth, Common Ground_ _Oasis of the Stars: Part I_ _2011 by Eldyran_ Deep into...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 5 - Tempting Lust

All right, this is fan service. I've had some requests for Temptation, Gatomon's little shoulder devil. And I have to admit, I like writing about her. She is doing well for someone who was supposed to be a one shot character. Anyway this lemon is a bit...

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A Curious Form of Hospitality

The air of mystery deepened as the fox pulled a pair of blindfolds from his pocket. James shot a trepidatious look at his beloved feline; already mired in double talk about the night's plans, part of him just wanted to drop the whole thing. Of course,...

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A Frustrated Horse: Part 3

A whole week had gone by. The cold, hard cave Wes had been trapped inside of had transformed into a constant, steamy and wet environment. A week of what should have been torment for the teenage horse surprised him in becoming an experience he never...

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PokeNNN - Round 16

DAY 1: In a big city surrounded by swamps, two Goodra lived in there. They were called Garo and Argo. Garo was a Goodra of Kalos and was born in the same city while Argo was a Hisuan Goodra that his family was of Sinnoh ancestors. Both worked as...

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Finding the Alpha Wolf: Chapter Four, Beth's Claim

**Chapter Four:** After spending a bouncy and rough ride in what sounded like a car, Snake could tell his temporary bed had succumb to the chaos. The washcloth beneath him was growing slightly damp from his water bowl tipping over and peanuts were...

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A Cum Filled Morning

First off, I apologize. I have been working on a sequel to my first story, _A Mother's Moonlit View_, and it is almost finished. I know I gained watchers and I am sorry to disappoint you all for so long. Hopefully I still have a few, and you aren't...

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Fertile Ground - Chapter 3

Summary of Chapter 2 Ricca returned to her apartment with fond memories of the intimate moments she'd spent with Ray. Unable to sleep, she encourages Ray to meet her outside the apartment block and leads him back down into the ravine. Making their...

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