When instincts take over... [re-upload: fixed]
He licked the fighting type, suddenly biting him softly in the troath, while his dick slid in, the saliva of the lucario and dsm's own precum serving as lube.
Dimensional Balance Chapter 4: An Ominous Wind
The fighting type tried to fend off the fluttering attacks, not being hurt but exposing himself to another... "water gun!" "chaz, confusion!" dan yelled.
Morgan's Pokémon Adventure
"i thought you'd appreciate the fighting type physique." morgan reached up and rubbed machamp's head. "here, i'll let out your friend. i guess you two have been missing each other a bit."
Lemme Rock Smash
Not that it was that big a problem - he was a fighting-type, he liked it rough.
Victini's Love chapter 15
"sending a fighting type to face a flying type is foolish arthur! i thought you had a better head for tactics than that. aero, end it quickly! wing attack!" "detect," the trainer muttered.
Backstage Access
The fighting-type shuddered as childhood memories came to surface. his breath quickened, and his eyes quivered with desperation, only to narrow into a scowl a moment later.
The Human Species Ch. 57 - Silent Brute Conkeldurr
Although it had only been a few minutes earlier, lucario's impending battle with the fighting-type over mew's corpse now seemed like part of a completely different world.
Chapter nine
The fighting type smiled knowing her swagger worked in egging her opponent into attacking; she grabbed the raging bisharp and slammed him into the nearby wall, and loosed a point blank focus blast into his chest.
The Human Species Ch.75 - Burning Tornado Torana
Unwilling to give up, celebi reached out with her psychic powers and attempted to grab hold of the blaziken, but found that the fighting-type was moving too violently with her kicks to get a good grip around her.
Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 8)
The flames had made a direct hit, surrounding the fighting-type in the pillar of fire. but as to what happened to it was a mystery.
Taboo Fantasies Abound! M Pignite X M Quilladin
The grass and fighting type rose off of the pig's crotch and stood up. "you really know how to fill a guy up~. but now it's time for the real business." victor straddled pete's chest before turning around and sitting on his face.
Tora- More Than A Badge
Brian gave no order for the breloom to make a move, but even as fang made his first slash, the dual grass/fighting type side-stepped his attack with ease.