Spring Break
#1 of spring break spring break : raine, an orphaned artic fox vixen, was raised from three months old, by a pair of loving, gay, whitetail stag anthromorphs. they never hid anything from her, always being truthful, open and honest with the young kit.
Tale of two worlds
Now an alien anthro fox vixen wants to have sex with him because he's ex-military. "all my furry friends will be green with envy right now because they had this fantasy of having sex with an anthro fox vixen and i am about to do it."
Unending Love - S2, E11-12 Trailer
Rani: apparently there's a panther following this fox. fox: but i'm okay now. there's a good leopard outside and he saved me from the panther. maalum: \*curious\* what's the leopard's name? fox: makucha.
Lands of the Goddess' (Mass public RP idea, WIP)
**vulpines** foxes are among the most educated, most advanced races on the main continent, which is ruled mostly by the mammalian species'. foxes are very versatile and an equal opportunity species.
New Recruits Part 2
"fox? fox!!" "huh? oh! sorry peppy." "we're here \*activates com link\* this is peppy hare of starfox requesting permission to land do you copy?" "copy that starfox. permission granted, welcome to planet mobius."
chapter 2-Will fox die?
He asked,and smacked fox. fox pulled out a bow and fired blood and shadow arrows at drago who blocked all the arrows and then kicked fox and sent him flying into the wall.
Matched by an obviously suave vulpes vulpes, peering with a disarming look of practiced charm- stood confidently absolving his sins with a friendly grin. he seems to say 'why are you so mad?'
Yiff School Part 2
Winkler: vixen fox dan: wolf male dan took the syrum and went home. when he went through the door in his house, his mom asked him, " how was school today?" he answered,"not good, im not in puberty remember? so mrs.
What could you compare Kyruku to?
Kyruku very closely resemble vulpes vulpes, more commonly known as the european red fox in their physical build, but there are a few critical differences when one takes a closer look.
Bradon (Wilde) prologue
Other than that, i found information on that grey fox vixen. her name is jessica grayton, she has no spouse, but we found the list of her children, all 37 of them." nick looking at the first page of the list said, "gees 37, that's over 10 litters.
Chapter III
Fox placated the concerned vixen. "fox!" slippy shouted as he ran over to the forming group. "yeah slippy?" "did you hear what the guards are saying?" the energetic toad said excitedly. "no what'd they say?" fox asked.
A New World, A New Journey Chapter 2
And he shoot balls of mud from his mouth at kitsune. kitsune countered with "ember!". the both attacks hit in the middle and negated each other. the explosion created a small cloud of dust.