A Midnight Ride in the Yard

She always loved making her mate feel small in comparison to herself, plus he always loved playing the role of the pet in the relationship.

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Attack of Hentitties

She would imagine that she would be the character in the game and loved playing about. then one night, while she was playing around the area, she heard some sort of strange low hum sound above her.

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My little pony: A New Start Chapter 1

I also am a musician, always love playing, listening, and preforming on stage. i couldn't imagine a life without me playing music. anyways back to the story.

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Fox Tales

Jacob loved playing with his daughter, "papa, i have school!!!" the little girl laughed and hugged her father closer. jacob hugged her again and her body pressing against him. he felt himself becoming a little aroused. he coughed and released the girl.

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The Pet Files: Angelo Report

In recent years, he has been taught by his master to love playing with a superior's feet, and to enjoy attention to his own. this personality also enjoys being teased for months on end, and denied orgasm until the end of a set period of time.

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Freebie: Alien baby.

The whiteness of the alien plastic had long since faded into a dark brown, but the wolf still loved playing with the crinkly plastic. she began patting at her diaper, a drooling grin upon her face as she raised her arms up and down.

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TSWNC Ch. 13: A Sticky Situation

Imagine a boy who like many others his age loved playing two-hand touch football, who played tag and hide and seek. sadly, this hatchling wouldn't get to open those presents he'd been eyeing on christmas morn. he wouldn't get to play with his friends.

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Cloricia "Tex" Teixeira: Revival 5

I knew that we would play great together on this team and i love playing with him." "well, it must be easy to play with someone that you're dating." "oh yea, we just know how to...." i paused, then looked at brian in shock. "wait, what did you say?"

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The world in the life of a grey husky. Chpt.1 Why bar's can be fun.

lovingly playing with the meet in his maw, the husky begins running his paws up the length of the horses length. the tan horse had never seen anything like this and is loving it.

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Mercy 4: Partnerships and Covenants

Oh i love playing with him. also, interesting things going on back in the covenant. sorry it took so long to get this up, but here it is, yay! "i'm sorry," motungo said after a pregnant moment, "i need to think for a moment."

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regular guy 3 some

I love playing games," tim replied. "allright let's get going then," mordecai said. they soon ordered a cab and arrived shortly at the park.

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She loved playing with the nipple piercings when they were playing, amused by the groans of need that came when she tugged.

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