Old Friends in a Younge Place (Otherwise Untitled)

"we can't all go for subtly around here...", leaning close to get a look at the fox's name tag before raising his hands to do air quotes around the name, "greg." ~ "bah.

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Persuasive Perfume

On his vest was clipped a red and white name tag that read "hello, my name is vin" "specially blended to make you _irresistible_," finished the skunk on the left.

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Lesbos at greenbriar massacre

Just continue the butchering, put the meat in chunks, and remember to label the bones with their name tags. i'll see about that last request, it seems reasonable, i hope the captain thinks so."

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Transformation Virus

A female scientist walked out into the waiting room with the name 'javanna' on her name tag. her muscles looked very swollen, more than they should have been able to be.

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The Creature

He takes the name tag and examines it. "mitch? this is mitch's name tag." "and i bet ten to one that is mitch laying on the table so they probably kidnapped him after what we saw on the video made him drink the alien liquid in the container."

Cubinioa -4- More power to you

His name tag is smudged and not quite readable bg something or other. "excuse me, is then the center for power management.?"

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New Life - Part 2

As he stares at the sign, he reaches for his name tag pin from his pants pocket. the big guys eyes widen, when he realizes he left it at home, "could this day get any worse!?"

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Episode 9: Welcome to Stuff Em'z

_his name tag admitted his name as **mark.** _ connor gasped lightly, staring at the tag and then moving his eyes to the squirrel's. he was going to say something, but the squirrel spoke first, "welcome to stuff em'z, gentlemen!

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Machine Head - Chapter Two: Ripples

The real kicker however was the name tag sewn into the breast of the uniform, left over from whatever poor bastard had the job before him.

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Tree: part 2

His name tag said "kegan" "huh? uh y-yeah i'm alright, what a strange guy right?" "what are you talking about? i only saw you?"

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Coat Shopping

He also didn't look at all like a nurse, considering the lack of scrubs, white clog-like shoes, stethoscopes, name tags, id cards and most importantly, of course, the personal dosimeter always tucked into his chest pocket to signify his role as the radiology

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Episode 8: Smooth Move

Connor knew he was referencing to his name tag, "yep. and about what we did before... we just talked, hanged out, did stuff together. we'd grab a bite to eat, play video games, party, we were just normal kids who had big plans.

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